I pulled out a xanax so I could take it with me and take it before - TopicsExpress


I pulled out a xanax so I could take it with me and take it before my massage this afternoon (I have a serious case of letting my mind run wild during massages and I would like to avoid that since Im paying someone to help me relax, not paying someone to squeeze my shoulders while my mind hops on a runaway train to Anxietyville...its like Amityville but with a different kind of horrors ). Mindlessly and mistakenly I popped it in my mouth on accident like it was an ibuprofen and took it 3 hours early. We were out the door on the way to a coffee shop to write so I decided I was just going to power through the xanax by drinking a coffee. For now im the girl at Babycakes San Diego dancing to the gayboy music with dead zombie eyes trying to make sense of my screenplay. In about fifteen minutes Ill either be a) dancing on the bar and leading everyone in a singalong, or b) forehead-to-table sleeping in my own manmade lake of drool. Its going to be a battle of uppers and downers, folks. It reminds me of the time The Lovebirds played a house concert to an audience of seven people right after I took an allergy pill to combat the cats and cat hair all over the house. Have you ever seen Old School where Will Ferrell gets shot in the neck with the tranquilizer and falls in the pool The Graduate-style? Its something to that effect. #hellodarknessmyoldfriend. In other news, I have a solo show at Swedenborg Hall tomorrow night, and Ill try not to come medicated. Coming to it will really be the only way you will know if I survived this day, so yeah, I guess Ill see everyone who cares about me there.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:15:18 +0000

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