I pulled this today from the Facebook page, Remove Sam Katz as - TopicsExpress


I pulled this today from the Facebook page, Remove Sam Katz as Winnipegs Mayor, sounds like a pretty good idea, and could possibly fix our road conditions once and for all when people are held personally responsible for their actions. I still do not understand how the Provincial Government can raise the PST illegally and no one is held accountable, The Citizens need to demand for the Premier to resign, and elections need to be held! (Taken from remove sam katz as winnipegs mayor) What are peoples thoughts on launching a class action lawsuit against sam katz, the city of Winnipeg, greg selinger, the province of Manitoba, and mpi, for damages caused to our vehicles from the gross neglect of Winnipeg city streets and provincial highways, I think this is something to start seriously considering. The amount of damage being done to citizens vehicles and then mpi turning around and telling the tax paying citizens that its them and their driving practices that are at fault for their vehicles being damaged is beyond comprehension, especially considering all the photographic evidence collected on the conditions of not only city of Winnipeg streets, but also all highway systems in the province. Lets hear some comments, and maybe this is a way to eliminate two birds with one stone, the mayor, and premier. I know this is a shot in the dark here, but really, is it possible there may be a law firm out there willing to take on a challenge? All it would take is one week of full page ads in the Winnipeg free press and sun to begin collecting names of peoples vehicles affected by the road system, and I am sure the phones would light up by the thousands! This might be the pot hole solution we have all been looking for. (6 photos)
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:18:06 +0000

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