I purposely added my picture to my profile the other day, I want - TopicsExpress


I purposely added my picture to my profile the other day, I want to build a “NETWORK EMPIRE” and we as a people have to believe in Who, What & Where’s. Who am I, I am a Bona-Fide Christian who believes that GOD controls everything! Some things you just know, I started selling blow pop candy in the 7th grade. I’m giving my age away now, that was back in the late 70’s. So I knew then that I had entrepreneurship all over me because by the 9th grade I had 7th graders working for me. As life went on I continued down the path of being Self- Employed. I won’t bore you with all the businesses that didn’t make it, Thomas Edison stated “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” The nature of being an entrepreneur means that you fully embrace ambiguity and are comfortable with being challenged regularly. Choosing this career path is completely irrational because the odds of succeeding are dismal, but most succeed because of their unwavering belief, laser focus on delivering and persistence. Starting a company is a riveting roller coaster of emotions with tremendous highs and at times, difficult lows, but one thing that always helps me through the ups and downs is to connect with some of the greatest minds. I presently represent a few companies that have proven track records of success. What I am doing is presenting these opportunities to individuals that have the same motivation and drive that I do. You don’t have to do the homework, I have already done that for you. These opportunities will afford you the ability to work from home, office or wherever you are. The bonus is that the start-up fee is under $40 for MCA and $15 for Freeway To Success. “Choose a job that you like, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius. Where will this take you? Well only you can answer that. One thing for sure it will allow you the opportunity to full-fill some of the dreams that right now seem impossible. It also will give you the additional time you want for GOD, Family and yourself. After reading this take the time to go to the websites and view the short videos, while this might not be for you how about sharing this with someone you might feel this is for. God Bless you and have a wonderful Day!!!!!!!!!!! mca.biz/mcamoneyxpress/ moneyxpress.freewaytosuccess.net/ PS: I’m throwing in another website for individuals that are already doing Network Marketing. FreeLeadSystemForever/moneyxpress
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 16:05:43 +0000

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