I put the following on the BBC ww2 memories heading:MY UNCLE - TopicsExpress


I put the following on the BBC ww2 memories heading:MY UNCLE HARRY! Harry was in the nth africa campain he was in the famous 8th army Desert Rats aand Harry did liv lik a rat for a few weeks! Rommel was moving fast and the rats where told to retreat but the problem was they were sitting on a amo dump and didnt hav time to lift it all a volunteer was asked most men were married but Monty yes MONTY! asked Harry!how about your young man? Harry Iye Ive got family too me mum and dad brother sister, but ganna on sir but ive a few requests! REquests says monty! Aye you leave as much beer and food and books ya can! and how long will it be till you come back for me? 3 weeks tops Barker! Then what happened uncle Harry well I was pissed for 2 days! then I woke to the sound of clattering in my head! what the bloody hell that noise? Bugger me that sounds lik TANKS! (then what our Harry) I crawled up this sand dune on all fours and when I reached the top I thought the whole bloody german army was passing (then what our harry?) I bloody shit myself scampered down and sat on the plunger ready for them comin over the top! but they passed by! Ya buggar our Michael Id been in a few scraps but never one lik that! (and?) I sat there for 6 weeks before they came back for my,I never thought they would I ended up eating bloody scorpions owt that moved I ate! I pussed the germans up through Italy and finally I got home and walked in the House and said to Mam & Dad well thats my travelling days our! Ill not be leaving Barney again! and he never did! he was given a specail bravery medal for his commitments! GOD BLESS MY UNCLE HARRY!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 14:03:55 +0000

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