I question the legitimacy of a parliament illegally occupied by - TopicsExpress


I question the legitimacy of a parliament illegally occupied by caste , by the Mafia, the Masons and the bankers of the ECB, the European Central Bank useless , that sowing tears and death. I question this useless and dangerous European Union in the hands of criminals who make money their only reason for living . I question our whole democratic system based on deception and legalized scam . I question all our laws , written and approved by a parliament composed of politicians who think they are the owners of the state, while they should be only the servants , who live above the law and do not give no account of their poor and dreary work to the sovereign people . I question the health, culture and the law of our country, which are devoid of truth , solidarity , ethics and morals. I question the political parties themselves , now in the hands of professional thieves , who do not represent anyone and live only to defend their dirty financial interests. I question the entire information that violates perpetually Article .21 of our constitution , and who arrogantly continues to give us the mystification of the truth. I question the unions , which in our country intertwined perverse pact with the powers that be at the expense of workers, who are supposed to represent . I question the pensions and salaries of gold that are bestowed through fraud laws , to the detriment of the entire community . I question the guarantor of the Constitution , the President of the Republic, which in addition to cost us a hundred times more than the Queen of England , has helped to kill our economic system , betraying the Italian people and repeatedly violating our Constitution . I question the legality of the war, the justice that kills and the death that punishes . Consciences sleeping on the bottom of their bed , civilization in the hands of the mercenaries , the economy in the hands of criminals and unscrupulous bankers . I question all of our institutions and the occult power that maneuver. I watch die with pain and helplessness, a people , mine, and a nation , always mine, who have been able to give to the world the greatest cultural heritage from the birth of the world. I suffer helplessly for my people and for my land in the hands of a ruling class rotten and corrupt . I suffer helplessly for young people with no future . I suffer helplessly for the elderly who have lost their joy and serenity, after a lifetime of hard work and enormous sacrifices. I suffer and I still hope , that my people , my land , will finally wake up from deep slumber into which she has fallen , to recover the lost dignity and power . I suffer , but I still believe in the values of democracy , because in a truly free Republic and the only mature people rule
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 11:26:29 +0000

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