I quit my job at Razorfish in 2001 because I wasnt included in the - TopicsExpress


I quit my job at Razorfish in 2001 because I wasnt included in the strategic decisions of a project. One of the client partners (Business guy) who will go unnamed had me removed from a super cool project because we where not aligned on the vision of the design. Of course the managing director being a former Mackenzie consultant agreed with him. A week after I requested a sabbatical knowing that I would never return to Razorfish. What went wrong? For one I felt undervalued and stabbed in the back. Most importantly the solution that the business team came up with was short sided, superficial and just wrong. How do I know? The client complained for years after how they got a raw deal. ( I have insider knowledge of the art world.) Here is the worst part, and something that I am completely ASHAMED of till this day, because I did not have the courage to stand up for what was right. I fired the designer who was doing the design. And he was doing the right thing. And he knew it. And I knew it. There are few things that as a creative director I regret, and that is one of them. It makes me nearly cry when I think that my 6 year career at Razorfish ended this way. I believe that every experience happens to teach you a lesson. This experience taught me one thing, I NEVER wanted to be in that position again. I spent the next 10 years fighting with every bone in my body to design a process that was fair to everyone. Both to the client and to the team. I payed hundreds of thousands of dollars to train my team in Agile, I 10s of thousands of dollars to train myself and my management team. I partnered and hired with USC MBAs to develop a custom strategic process that was designed for one thing: To have ME (A super flakey creative) be able to conduct the strategic planning process and OWN the relationship with my client. And that process is what we now call CORE. Its simple, its a strategic planning process designed for the worlds flakiest designer ( I prefer passionate creative thank you ). Thats it. The results? Pure awesome. The designers you hear raving about CORE arent stupid or crazy, they tried it. And now cant do without it. I have had one even say that he felt like not sharing CORE with anyone because it was too good. I created CORE for that one designer I fired out of pure cowardice. Because I dont want anyone, whether a freelancer, inhouse designers, agency principal, creative director, web developer or other to every have to be in that position. This is a revolution. And we are taking back control of boardrooms all over america. Join me. Go beyond being a graphic designer, own your destiny. http:skoolcorekit
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:38:58 +0000

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