I quite often mention about eating out, in Canada its quite - TopicsExpress


I quite often mention about eating out, in Canada its quite popular and I am guessing this is because of the vast variety of dining options everywhere you go. It can be overwhelming when you go out, trying to chose a healthy option. And just when you think you got it right you look on the nutritional value sheet to find out it has a gazillion calories and the same of fat, salt and sugar....ahhhhhhhh. Here are a few little tips when eating out. I love sweet potatos and sweet potatoes fries are soooo good...but just remember that they are still fries!!!! Share your portions so you can still have some, just a smaller amount. Chopped salads might seem the healthier option but everything is so finely diced you can fit more in the bowl = more calories. You also dont know what is mixed in the bowl...candied pecans might be good but finely chop those buggers and you can pack in a ton of calories....some chopped salads can pack in 700 cals so beware.... Chose a tossed green salad and be mindful of extra toppings such as crispy noodles, dried fruit etc... Small plates can be lethal when having tapas, fajitas ect...watch your portions and amount of plates you have. Watch for veggie based main meals as chefs tend to add in more fat to make up for the lack of meat, especially with eggplant and mushrooms dishes as they are like a sponge they absorb a lot of oil. Watch the carbs on the couscous, bulgar wheat, barley etc salads...as good as they are for you the ratio of cals vs the veggie salad is way higher. And last but not least watch for the olde gluten free.....it does NOT mean its lower in fat and calories...extra fat and sugar is often used to replace the changes in texture and taste... Thanks for reading and I hope my little bits of info help :)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 16:25:53 +0000

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