I ran out today to pick up a couple of things that we needed. In - TopicsExpress


I ran out today to pick up a couple of things that we needed. In my conversations, I talked with a young mother whose parents were visiting in her home. It was a nice exchange. She explained that her parents had never visited her in Macon and it had been at least 3 years since she had seen them. She went on to explain that she had matured after college and marriage, and then the children came along. She continued to say that things had been rough between them, and that she had been pretty stubborn and hard to get along with. I thought how life has a way of maturing ALL of us! :-) She said that her mother could be awfully persnickety but that she had missed them SO much that she just hugged them and held them close every time things started going south. I smiled and told her that families arent perfect and we just all need to use the GRACE card freely. Even on ourselves. :-) Have the holidays pushed you close to the edge? Has the family time made you want to host a slap-a-thon? Do your in-laws hideously transform into out-laws right before your eyes? When you marry a spouse, you also marry their family. I want to encourage you to choose the path of peace. All of our families have rough edges and some irregular people in them...but...that does not excuse us for acting inappropriate and unloving. I liked the new and improved attitude of the young mother that I met today: just decided in advance to love them, without condition or reserve. They are your family and you didnt pick them BUT obviously God did. :-) Now, your choice is to get in there, work with His plan, and love love love. You cannot do it in your own strength, BUT God will work in you and through you to love His way! P.S. You dont have to attend every fight youre invited too! :-)
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 00:24:46 +0000

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