I rarely post anything highly political or religious on Facebook. - TopicsExpress


I rarely post anything highly political or religious on Facebook. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and the right to live their life however they see fit. However, the recent controversy over Brittany Maynards decision to end her life has really rattled my cage. I am flabbergasted at the number of people, and mostly Christians, who are judging this girls decision. [I sadly feel the need to publicly preface this with, By the way, I am also a Christian] Who are we to judge her? Whether we agree with her decision or we dont, it is not our job to judge her. As Christians, isnt it our belief that final judgment comes from God, not us? And, we know virtually nothing about this girl. The news stories have shown us a small glimpse into her life. How do we know that she isnt washed in the blood? How do we know that she had not accepted Christ into her heart? If she did, is she not forgiven for her sins? Is she not loved? And how do we know what conversation she was having with God on her deathbed as she slipped out of this world? None of us will ever know. It is not our place to judge her. Further, how many of us have put a beloved pet down to end its suffering? It is a heartbreaking, horrible decision to make. But we do it because it is what is best for our loved one. How is this any different? We want our pet to die in a humane way, without suffering. But it is not okay to make that choice for yourself? To judge her publicly on social media and otherwise without knowing anything about her, without knowing her spiritual path, without knowing what conversations she was having with God up until the moment she left this earth… it makes us no better than the Westboro Baptist Church people who will no doubt be protesting this girls funeral. Who are we to judge? On judgment day, I am pretty sure God will not be asking me my opinion on who he should let into the pearly gates. Lets leave the judgment to God, and just pray that this family has peace.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:54:35 +0000

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