I read Michael Warrens column and although useful it still lacks - TopicsExpress


I read Michael Warrens column and although useful it still lacks the key factor of how do we create growth locally? Several suggestions have been batted around in this forumn and although good they lack the power to create real sustained growth.The magic industry fairy is not going to sprinkle reshoring industry here face it drive through any industrial park in the GTA and every third facility is empty and available, in this case geography has us behind the 8 ball. So how do we create that growth when none is apparent or forthcoming? It leaves only us and our local workforce. Why dont we become the first community to have a $15 an hour minimum wage? Putting money into the pockets of our lowest paid workers will have a very positive affect in Owen Sound. Those workers will spend that money locally and kick start our economy a thousand fold. Currently we have single moms working 2 and 3 part time jobs to make ends meet. A $15 minimum may mean she can better provide for her family and maybe work 1 job thus freeing work for others and have a better quality of family life. Yes we will have the detractors say small business cannot afford that but studies have shown that when minimum wage has increased the world did not end and in fact the economy improved.There was a story not long ago that said if McDonalds workers were paid $15 an hour the price of a Big Mac may go up 10 cents, small price to pay to improve the life of our fellow citizens. Our young people may just stay in the area following high school as there may just be a future for them here or at least enough to get by. The cost of our social services will likely go down with more folks working and i am sure the United Way would see a drop in requests for aid especially with winter utility costs. Folks from around the area may flock to Owen Sound to recieve a higher wage and grow our population.That is real growth, housing,transportation and the necessities of life all purchased locally. As i see it this is our only chance to turn things around locally with real sustainable growth ,not more pay day loans, bingo halls and pizza outlets.What have we to lose? What have we to gain? Where will Owen Sound be in 4 years? The current pattern has us with an empty main street this is the time to act for a better tomorrow.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 10:48:36 +0000

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