I read a book a few years ago......A More Excellent Way by Henry - TopicsExpress


I read a book a few years ago......A More Excellent Way by Henry W. Wright. It’s a book on how to live healthier by getting rid of all the negativity in your life. I’d like to elaborate on something I learned from the book. For years I harbored bitterness, anger, hatred, resentment, etc towards certain individuals who hurt me immensely. Through this book I read that the unforgiveness was hurting my health. So I decided to give it a try. I took the three people who hurt me the most in my life, and found it in my heart to forgive them. I don’t want them back into my life because I refuse to put myself in a situation to get hurt again. But I forgave them. I took all the anger, hatred, resentment, etc towards them, put it all in the palm of my hand and blew it away with the wind. I let it go. I made peace with the situations. The result has been amazing. By not carrying all that excess negative weight with me, not only did I make room for good to come into me (peace, tranquility, serenity, happiness, and a new found love for myself), but my health improved dramatically. I found a new found freedom that I had no idea even existed......the freedom to live life with more love, rather than hatred. This forgiveness thing is one of the hardest things in life that you could ever do. But believe me........it’s worth it. For every minute you stew in anger, you miss the minute to be living life to the fullest. I saw one of these three people. I should have ran. I should have told him off. I should have done this. I should have said that. Instead? I found myself saying "Hi".......and we ended up having quite the conversation. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t running. This person almost took my life from me. It wasn’t until later that I realized that I forgave him. BUT........knowing that I no longer let that anger and hatred and bitterness and spite rule me........what a weight was lifted off of my shoulders!! I smiled.........knowing that I was free to be me now. And thanked God.......because I got over it to the other side of goodness. I just wanted to share my thoughts on this for this week.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 20:33:57 +0000

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