I read a very insightful and interesting post from Robert David G - TopicsExpress


I read a very insightful and interesting post from Robert David G today on the Ebola virus and a petition to postpone the elections to bring awareness and fight the disease. Very overwhelming support from commenters. I made few comments and also carefully read lots of comments. Thomas Awadjie made a great point about the incurability of the disease and postponing elections wont help. He further stated that due to the incurability we might as well post the 2017 elections. Musa Willie also made a great point about the cost of the elections that could be redirected to the fight against Ebola thereby giving the postponement a valid reason. I took into account these two great points, the general post by Robert and the feedbacks. Everything provided a platform to critically look into the ensuing elections and the epidemic our people are faced with. Upon this background, I went researching the Ebola and how its contracted. From medical facts, it cant be contracted just by being in a bus together, being in a crowd. It is contagious, of course, but widely contracted through close contacts such as exchange of salivate, excretion, touching of dead bodies, being in an Ebola quarantine unit not being properly protected.(paraphrase summary) Now, I would say this postponement makes sense and can be pushed if the elections is causing 10 million usd and Ebola has no fixed budget yet. But if There can be an Ebola emergency fund act signed to approve a good sum of 15 million up to start the awareness, prevention, and fight then I say postponing elections wont be a wise thing since the disease is incurable as Thomas Awadjie argued. How about a hardline of debates and protests focusing on Ebola as the constituencies press their lawmakers to sign an Ebola act or risk being voted out in October? Electorates now have the power to decide the Ebola fund through their votes. Electorates in constituencies can also push for recalls of all elected officials if they cant wake up against the virus outbreak. These protests and recalls wont be limited to just the lawmakers but the health ministry and the executive branch. The president needs to show leadership firmer as she has named a special task force headed by herself. This is the time and moment. No other time now than this hour to use the people trump cards, their votes to bring more focus and finances to combat the Ebola. These can be very important in drawing up a resolution type of petition. Seltue R Karweaye Sr. A Thomas Bangura Thomas Harris Robert Ernest Wilson Gentry Roberts Massa Dopoh Sam Mannah Sidney Frederick Sayeh
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 20:43:09 +0000

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