I read an article that claimed over 110 journalists have been - TopicsExpress


I read an article that claimed over 110 journalists have been killed by ISIS, I can’t remember when it was wrote, but it was early 2013 or prior. ISIS took steps to stop the flow of information out of their area by killing these reporters as an initial step. The media has been educating the world about mass slayings, destruction of mosques, and criminal conduct by ISIS. ISIS uses the social media to their advantage and spreads their propaganda, the reporters reporting the events within their regions are educating the world as to ISIS’s true face. ISIS has played this as the west (Christianity) against Muslims, unfortunately that strategy has failed due to the west providing air support to knock out the advanced weaponry ISIS has accumulate, and the ground forces resisting are locals. This has taken away the ability to claim the west is fighting against Muslims and has shown the world, the locals are against ISIS. ISIS is using force to dominate locals and take over regions. This is not a freedom movement, it is an oppressive and violent dictatorship that many locals are not in favor of. ISIS commits mass killing any opposition they encounter. They are slaughtering locals that refuse to swear allegiance, this communicates they are not receptive to other ideals. Today is Remembrance Day, the day to reflect on the sacrifices and success of the people that informed the world people would not stand for the ideals and action that a few people with in Germany initiated. 69 years later and similar events are happening again. If governments would allow for volunteers to go through basic training and be allowed to fight against ISIS. The world would see a fighting force from many countries, ethnics, religions, and ways of life willing to stand against ISIS. There are 30,000 Indians alone that want to join the fight, this is probably less than one percent of the force that would unite. Isis has much support that will only be flushed out in time through their efforts of supporting ISIS. Our countries today provide our militaries for a fight. Our militaries are made up of fine people that have joined our militaries for their own reasons. They don’t get to chose what fights their countries partake in. A volunteer force, such as what ISIS initially accumulated, would combine and by sheer numbers defeat the ISIS movement. WW2 ended 69 years ago, I often wondered if I would witness the world unite to defeat a common foe in my life time. I think the world needs to witness the combined efforts of free people willing to help others by their own choosing, not their government’s decision to send their military. ISIS is a movement that imposes fear. Twitter was closing their accounts and they threatened to kill twitter employees. They claim they have support cells world wide that are going to commit violence within country’s borders that unite to fight them. Isis is going to kill everyone that opposes them. They are a dog that has barked too much and the bark has lost it’s scare. They are a bunch that hasn’t managed to inflict any measureable impact on the countries they have threatened, this shows how weak they really are on a global scale. An attack here and there is does not show a massive force, rather a few naive followers that are lessoning as they witness the actions and atrocities of a desperate movement. The people that have flocked from around the globe to support ISIS probably have rethought their decision and realize if they speak against it, they will be killed. The movement is out for power and money and initially convinced people to join for a noble cause, the cause has become known. ISIS wants to control the media in their favor, but it’s too late, the world has enough information to understand who they are and ISIS no longer has a chance to succeed, it is only a matter of time till this latest rise for power to be eliminated. The 30,000 Indians want to protect religious mosques, others would like to see this region free from oppression, and others strive to protect the ideals of free societies.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:21:31 +0000

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