I read new teachings each day. New theories. New doctrines. And - TopicsExpress


I read new teachings each day. New theories. New doctrines. And none of them are sound. None of them are based on what is being taught in Scriptures. The root of the problem is unbelief. The next cause of the problem is walking by sight...that is, believing in the things that are common to human. However the Lords ways and His thoughts are higher than ours. We cannot comprehend God unless we first learn to walk by faith in Jesus Christ. Another culprit of the problem is poor reading comprehension and not being able to understand what one has read. This is especially a problem when readers try to explain scriptures without rightly dividing them first. In many cases, Revelation is explained in the Old Testament. Prophecies came before the events. God wanted it that way to show that not only is He omniscient (all-knowing) but is omnipotent (all-powerful). This is to say that even when God predicts the future, no one nor no thing is powerful enough to change the outcome. If God says its going to happen there isnt a thing anyone can do about it. Thus, prophecies are accurate because God knows the future and because people are powerless to change the future. Thats why God doesnt need an eraser. Hes incapable of erring. All we need to do is trust in His Son and live by every word that proceeds from His mouth (the Bible). For that reason, we need to be extremely careful not to subtract from His Word, nor add to It. Failure to heed this counsel will lead to false teachings and confusions of all sorts. One of the most fatal error plaguing this problem is listening to and believing in errors which are being and have been taught to us at some point in life or another. Many of us have simply been taught unsound doctrines and we continue in them because we take other peoples word for it instead of reading to examine the Truth for ourselves. Even pastors get it wrong. We cant rely on anyone else 100% for the Truth that is in the Word of God alone. When listening to sermons, take notes. Then go home and look it up to see if the sermons line up with whats written in the Scriptures. Misinformation isnt always intentional. Nonetheless, its still as harmful if someone believes error then teaches others to do likewise. We need to discipline ourselves more when it comes to rightly dividing the Word of God. Dont believe everything you hear. I encourage you to especially check what you read in my posts. I am not infallible, even though I try my best to only present Gods Word the way God intended It to be presented. Always check the Bible to see for yourself. Always. Be blessed.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:24:32 +0000

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