I read over this prophecy again last night for the Jewish year - TopicsExpress


I read over this prophecy again last night for the Jewish year that started last September. A year for Psalm 75. if you read this chapter you may see how Psalm 74 was for last year & what God is going to do in this year 5775 like Psalm 75 the prophecy about Native Americans is special to me since im part Cherokee indian. I beleive God showed they were descendent of the tribe of Ephraim,son of Joseph...the dreamer.The Cherokees are known that a lot of them have a gift of dreams,visions & prophecies. I have these gifts & they will grow stronger as i am studying with training a lot with my mentors. I am focusing on seeing God more as redeemer & reformer & seeing how these are working in my life & others & in America & many nations. after work this morning i went to to the Univ. of Georgia campus a couple of blocks away & prayed for God to invade the campus with His Spirit & power to tear down the enemies strongholds & to give positions of influence for his servants so His will is done at UGA as in Heaven.He will do NEW THINGS there!!! The whole prophecy by Johnny Enlow is in the comments 5775: Grace for an Expanded View of Him We are in the middle of a ten year period where the focus is on us learning to see. The Lord is correcting our vision impairment and this year it is as if we get the upgrade glasses that we have needed. For the next 5 years there will be a yearly upgrade available much like Apple does with the iPhone. However, we do have to turn in the old and request the upgrade. All corrective spiritual vision begins with the ability to see Him in an expanded way. If we cant see Him better we wont be able to see other things in an improved way. Many of us carry very defeated narratives of what God can do in society because of our impaired vision of Him. This year we get a much need upgrade and make sure to make your request known to the Holy Spirit. The number 5775 is a unique configuration. 5 is the number of grace and 7 is the number of God in His perfect and expanded form. It is the 7 Spirits perspective of God and all He has and all He will be for society (Rev.4:5 and 5:6). This is a year where God provides grace for us coming and going. He will be our rear guard as well as He who graces us to move forward. The 77 is about seeing the perfect God as Redeemer AND as Reformer. The special grace is available for those able to see Him as both. This grace is designed to keep you in a hopeful place but you must refrain your mouth from hopeless conversation. That is presently the drug of choice to be avoided I also saw the numbers 5775 laid out over a map of the United States. Significant insight and revelation will be coming out soon that reconfirms that the Native Americans of the United States were in fact Jews of the Lost Tribes of Israel. This puts our Judeo-Christian heritage understanding at another level. Our Judeo roots precede the Pilgrims. The land of the United States was set up by God as a refuge for past Jews as well as present and future Jews. It is also explains why we have a primary assignment to ensure Israels security and that when we mess with that, we ourselves become insecure. The ISIS crisis came up on the radar for us as a nation at the specific time we were chiding Israel for defending herself from terrorist rockets. It is a main part of our call as a nation to provide security for Israel. Most of that is by prayer but it is also to be military. As I saw the 5775 laid out over a map of the United States, I saw that the 5s were over each coast of America. One over the East Coast and one over the West Coast. This represented increase protective grace over our coasts, but especially it represents a grace of a move of the Holy Spirit. I believe from one sea to the other shining sea we will begin to hear about God breaking out. A great grace is coming to our coastlands. Many have been seeing tsunamis come to our shores but they will be of glory and not of devastation. God is not unhappy with America as a country, only slightly annoyed with the gloom in His church. A key chapter for the year is Psalms 75. Psalms 75, is the response chapter to Psalms 74, even as 5775 will be the response year to 5774. Psalms 74, was a chapter of pleading for help from the oppression and attack of the enemy. The chapter starts out with O God why have you cast us off forever? and stays in that vein throughout. There are many verses that seem to apply to the desecration and martyrdom many Christians experienced this last year at the hands of ISIS and other extremists. The enemy has damaged everything in the sanctuary. Your enemies roar in the midst of your meeting place. They set up their banners for signs. (v.3,4) They have set fire to your sanctuary, They have defiled the dwelling place of your name to the ground. They said in their hearts, Let us destroy them altogether. They have burned up all the meeting places of God in the land. (v.7,8) The chapter closes with the psalmist invoking God to, Arise, O God for Your own cause. (v.22). Chapter 75, then carries the response theme of the psalmist thanking God for His righteous judgment. We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For your wondrous works declare that your name is near.( v.1) The Chapter ends with, All the horns of the wicked I will also cut off, But the horns of the righteous shall be exalted. (v.10) In the very middle of the chapter it says, But God is the Judge; He puts down one, and exalts another. (v.7) This we will see manifested this year among the nations. Evil men will plot- but God will show Himself as Judge. The horns or power of the wicked will be cut down. It will be another bad year for the wicked. Focus on the Mountain of Education The Mountain of Education will be the mountain of great focus this year as Raziel is also the great angel of the Mountain of Education. The enemy illicitly exercises authority on this mountain through an initial stronghold of humanism. Humanism is a pseudo wisdom that is the polar opposite of true wisdom. True wisdom is both the goal and the vehicle for advancement in Education and God is now sending in big help to begin breaking down education mafias, as well as to accompany His rising sons and daughters. Many of the new scrolls being released in this next year will be for those attempting to make kingdom headway in this vital sector of society. New wisdom for new schools, new curriculum and new classroom ideas will be being released as the kingdom of God begins to make a dent in that mountain. If you have a call on this mountain and understand the assignment position yourself for being advanced.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 20:40:42 +0000

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