I read these korero from Amerian Indians proverbs for I see a lot - TopicsExpress


I read these korero from Amerian Indians proverbs for I see a lot of us (Maori) in their people. One such proverb is..... When the White man kills many of my people (Native American Indians) it is called a Victory, but when we kill many whitemen it is called a Massacre... For me i see, and feel this korero in my soul. Pakeha create so many law to justify themselves but their laws condem the native people, the people of the land. Their laws they break yet they have another law to cover their dirty tracks. The likely hood of a Maori getting convicted over a charge compared to a pakeha who committed the same offence is a lot higher. The System we live under in our hearts we know is wrong and racist prejudice and un just yet we put up with it because we are afraid of the police and courts for they represent a white law, a white system. People will argue and say with out rules and laws then it would be kaos, but this world is already in kaos. We as nz citizens are quite lucky for unlike third world citizens they wake to war everyday they wake to poverty everyday they wake to death everyday. In my heart time is running out for all and for those who hold power so great they truly do not understand. John keys and his political party are in themselves quite dictators. He will if not stopped widen the gap between maori and pakeha rich and poor, and we all no when you push those who already suffer then the hand will get bitten. John keys is a pathetic excuse for a Priminister as he has no idea of poverty, like many of his party they sit their lining their pockets laughing as thought they are kings and queens. But they will never be my king our queen, they are nothing to me my king and queen are my koro and kuia my ancestors my kids. Oneday this world will come to halt then their will follow violence and then quite and we as a being will have to start again living with the land not abusing the land...and again love will be real not hidden agendas on places like facebook etc, and the grass will grow long and the trees so high and the ocean will once again be happy.. I am a sinner I am a saint, I have laughed and I have cried, I loved and I have hated, I am human and in this world I am a grain of sand a single piece of pollen that will one day help to feed Papatuanuku..
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 04:48:12 +0000

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