I read transcripts from the legal proceedings for over 4 hours the - TopicsExpress


I read transcripts from the legal proceedings for over 4 hours the other day & I can honestly say watching the ABC interview of Officer Wilson I was actually anxious, these were the final moments of a mans life ..... No matter what at the end of the day his character aside and whatever happened on his behalf - he lost his life! Simple as! And now two families are destroyed. Mike Browns loved ones hve to live without their son who was tragically taken and Officer Wilson can NEVER have a normal life again, he and his wife and soon to be child will always have to look over there shoulders and pray retribution wont follow them. We will never TRULY know what transpired that day bc mike brown is not alive to tell us his side of the story - but how can the world deem this a racist act when they werent there? Im not saying racism doesnt exist bc there are always going to be idiotic assholes hating people sadly enough, but if there had never been a racial complaint, and hed never been aggressive before how can THIS case be a white cop gunning down a black man just bc he hates people of color?! A kid lost his life on August 9th after an insane 90 seconds ... Why does our world need to fight, riot, all around uproar and make it about racial discrimination? Its as if people are using the loss of his life to create more pain and unsafe environment to prove what exactly??? I honestly cant judge either Mike or officer Wilson bc Ill never know either of them, I just hate too see so many people destroying life and causing pain to make a point about racism. How is blowing up your own community and protesting going to change things? Ps if you can say anything/the one positive that came from all really sad situation is i completely agree that all officers should have body cams, itll work for both the officer as well as the accused suspects protection! #Ferguson #FckHate #EndRacism abcnews.go/GMA/video/exclusive-watch-george-stephanopoulos-full-interview-police-officer-27186831
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:04:20 +0000

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