I realize im largely preaching to the choir here since so many on - TopicsExpress


I realize im largely preaching to the choir here since so many on my friends list are Unity people but for the benefit of those who are not......What folks so often fail to realize is that we create our own world and reality on a daily basis. The power of thought and the spoken word is so much more than what people think. The fact is that everything is created twice, first in our minds, then in the physical realm. If this is true for material objects how much more true it is for the circumstances of our life? The law of universal attraction states that thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. Or, put more simply, what we dwell on is what we inadvertantly create in our lives. This is true for what we call the negative as well as the positive. Heres a silly example: If im constantly worrying about being bitten by a dog sooner or later it WILL happen! Why? Because i have put that thought energy out there and the universe is responding to my dominant thought. It doesnt matter that i dont want to be bitten. What matters is the amount of energy i have devoted to the thought. The response is directly proportional to the amount of thought energy i have given it. When i see ther world around me as a warm, kind, loving place guess what happens? That is EXACTLY what it becomes! This does not mean there wont be wars or hunger. What it means is that within MY sphere all is well. I dont ever get out of bed in the morning and think its time for me to have a lousy day. That would be ridiculous right? But that is what many of us do without knowing we are even doing it. Friends, isnt it better to make a concious effort to make our lives a place of beauty and happiness. It can be done. The choice is ours. Have a blessed day my friends.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 12:47:37 +0000

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