I realize that none wants to see the first black president in our - TopicsExpress


I realize that none wants to see the first black president in our history be impeached, but does that mean we ignore the facts of the situation, our principles, moralities, and sense of justice because of we wish things were not as they are! The facts are he is illegally and unconstitutionally hurting our country and its people and subjection the American people to grave injustices, corruptions, and epic failures that are threatening the security, and sanctity of our nation and its people. Are we the people willing to sacrifice the stability of our nations economy, health care, safety, and amendment rights, and security throughout the world arena simply to save one man from facing the consequences of his own actions because we didnt want to do what needs to be done? Not impeaching him and bringing him to justice has not and is not in the best interest of our country and is leading to the demise of our nation so why should our entire nation sacrifice and endure such injustices to protect someone who is continuing to harm our nation because we dont want to put a black mark in our history books or offend people that he has already offended and disgraced with his actions. No time was wasted in challenging and taking actions against Nixon or Clinton for that matter as it was also not desired but deemed necessary to secure and protect our nation and its people. None is above the law and with the multitude of laws Obama has knowingly broken, ignored, corrupted along with the multitude of human rights he has infringed upon and violated and the number of deceitful lies he has perpetrated on the people justice is long over due its time to be served upon him for it! No president in the history of our nation has been allowed to raise themselves above the law to the degree that this president has done and with as much corruption, deceitful lies, and unlawful actions resulting in such trauma to our nation as to threaten the very stability of our country and its people as Obama has! And no other president would ever have survived in doing so as they would have been impeached and removed long long ago! Its time to stop sacrifices our nation and its people by being complacent of such dysfunctional, incompetent, and corrupt actions of our president and see that justice is served! At least Nixon had the courage and integrity to resign after his inadequacies and wrong doings where as Obama is willing to sacrifice not only his own political party he is willing to sacrifice our well being of our nation for his own personal agenda(s). Its time for justice to be served and time for Obama to face the hard realities of his corruption and actions unbecoming of an American president!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 16:39:51 +0000

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