I realize there are many governments/societies which oppress their - TopicsExpress


I realize there are many governments/societies which oppress their citizens, and I also realize governments, dictators, and crowns have done so throughout all of recorded history, and I rather imagine since humans began to inhabit this planet long before recorded history. What I find particularly distressing and obnoxious is the amount of abuse Americans who are citizens of the United States are willing to put up with; ignore and complaint about! History shows ninety percent of any group, no matter the group. their mission statement, or their allegiance - family, religious, cult, political, business, medical, social activism, etc are lemmings. Nine out of ten members will go along to get along. This realization doesnt minimize my disappointment in people, however. Realizing people dont care enough to stand up for themselves doesnt make me feel better, nor does it encourage me to stick my head in the sand. My personality doesnt fall into this 90% group; it never has and I feel certain it never will. How many of us look at the 10% and admire their need to stand strong against forces which are contrary to all we know is the right, correct, fair, just, or acceptable rules governing human conduct? How many of us think twice about the courage of conviction 10% have and the sacrifices they are willing to make to fight for the 90% who dont give a damn? What will happen to society, any society if these 10% cease to care; cease to act; cease to fight for the rights of others - to improve the quality of life - to fight for what is just, equitable and fair - to fight for the rule of law? Too many of the 10% are giving up; cashing in; walking away never to return, and rightfully so in my opinion. It gets old and empty to fight for others when they dont care enough to stand up to be counted. Once gone, they will be forever gone. Forever and that is a very very long time! What will happen to the 90% then? I think I know part of that answer; but I am curious if anyone else does? For starters, and for the sake of getting this conversation going here are my thoughts: The 90% will increase to 95% and even 99% and even worse - it will grow to 100%. Frankly, this is exactly what the New World Order intends and expects. When this happens, and it is happening right now, all around us (and we arent taking notice/or we think it is a good thing) tell me who will the 90% rely upon? Who will they blame? Who will be their whipping boys/girls? More importantly, who will be our heroes?
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 06:14:57 +0000

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