I realized something about myself and in truth I dont like - TopicsExpress


I realized something about myself and in truth I dont like it...Here is the deal, when I date a man in truth it is his mind and kindness not his exterior appearance although that is a plus. So on a date I really look into their eyes try to get a feel for their energy. End up really pretty open and it is very easy to connect on many levels and deep..and I have lots of fun. fun fun it is the fun stage.Then if a red flag popps they popp pretty easy. I can get a feel for where their at. The getting to know them phase is fun and full of surprises. I usually end up great friends even if we arent a match. Cause you really need to be true to self and them and it really is no ones fault if your lives or personalities dont match up. So my last dating adventure of life I thought and liked all the surprises of who he was.granted I really havent been on a date with someonee in maybe 2 yrs. I have guy friends I can call to do things with one I prefer to take to any family adventures where I need a date, he is perfect and my family he rolls with sometimes I wonder why I dont roll with him? Then I have my neighbor and even if he has a gf he can bring her...We are close, then I just have really great guy friends So so.So many areas we had so much in common just one area but an important area. So I told him what this and why as I was telling him I actually started shaking as it was heart wrenching for me to do this but I have to as how can another know as they deserve to know if you are trying in a relationship. Now this man wouldnt talk to me after. I thought I either really hurt him or he needs time for it to sink in. I just dont like saying good bye on a bad note at all...I want to explain or help them to see it is only right to want it all. To encourage them, well this one I couldnt. So he finally talks a few days latter and he was mean and then I got mean back and I really didnt like that I was caught up in the hurting ...I have never hurt back. First I realized omg you are capable of ripping someone a new asshole. Then I didnt like myself for doing that. I cant fix it. So I had to let it go as best I could. Now I understand...See I never understood how when dating people cant be friends or they get mean..I would think well why would they harbor such bad feelings ? They were attracted for a reason? So I realized it is usually when someone feels used that they harbor a bad feeling or they feel their heart has been played with? Learning . You would think I would learn this long ago? LOL
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:40:56 +0000

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