I really believe in Honor. I see such a lack of it in the Body of - TopicsExpress


I really believe in Honor. I see such a lack of it in the Body of Christ. People accuse, slander, and betray one another at will, with complete disregard for the Scriptures. Such activity grieves the Holy Spirit. *Here is a Christian Code of Honor I drew up a few years ago, to help young believers establish their lives on a good moral, ethical, and relational foundation. If you desire to be a person of honor, this might help. I hope it ministers to you: THE CHRISTIAN’S CODE OF HONOR 1. Disputes: We are committed to each other, so WHEN WE HAVE A DIFFERENCE, we will get in a room, bolt the doors, and communicate what is in our HEARTS until find a way to work through our differences. 2. You will not have to worry about walking on eggshells with me. You can be yourself around me, and I you. You will not be easily offended around me. If one of us gets offended, we will come to the other and talk in the language of reconciliation. 3. When someone attacks you, they are attacking me, because we are one. I will do whatever is necessary to defend your reputation and honor. 4. I never receive gossip or slander toward you. I rebuke the person for speaking to me, redirect them to you, and I go right to you as soon as I hear it. I NEVER use the phrase “People are saying” without telling you which people are saying it. That would be extremely dishonorable. 5. I will always be respectful of your time, understanding that it is the most valuable commodity God has given us. I will endeavor to keep appointments and time commitments to you at all costs, and do my best to be on time. 6. I am always glad about your successes, never envious. I rejoice with you and for you, even when you surpass me in some way. 7. I am committed to laying down my own desires, tastes, and preferences if it is necessary to bring about your happiness or well-being, and I will do so willingly, not grudgingly. 8. I always treat you with kindness, manners, and respect. 9. I look for opportunities to encourage you and bring honor to you, and avoid any temptation to expose your shortcomings and bring shame to you. 10. I try to lighten the load and the burden of those who have accepted the challenges and responsibilities of leadership, understanding that they have taken on responsibility for many others in addition to themselves. I vow to cut them some slack.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 20:25:13 +0000

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