I really didnt want to write a post about this, but Im pretty - TopicsExpress


I really didnt want to write a post about this, but Im pretty upset. Not necessarily about the Ferguson decision itself, but about peoples lack of understanding at the black communitys outrage. People need to understand that whether or not Darren Wilson was justified in what he did, there is an amazing trend of people of color dying at the hands of law enforcement, and law enforcement not being held accountable for the deaths of individuals. This isnt about whether Darren Wilson is racist, or whether Mike Brown was a thug. I dont think either is true. This is about a community struggling with a perception of criminality that becomes a death sentence. This is about a nation where police need to become executioners, and situations can escalate from jaywalking to capital punishment. Maybe it could have been a 63 270 unarmed white guy that died that day at the hand of police, but it wasnt, and it almost never is. Some of us are struggling to find the right words to portray our emotions, so we lash out, loot and riot. None of these things are justified, but this doesnt represent the community as a whole, and to dismiss these people and their frustration as thugs and race-baiters contributes to the same institutionalized racism that is causing these deaths. To understand a communitys ills, one must understand its struggles. But go ahead, call me a thug when I protest injustice. Tell me I dont care about black on black violence when Im angry about other things right now. I must be a reverse racist, because my support for my community definitely has an oppressive effect on people who arent black... TL;DR Im angry because there are people who act like if they were a minority in this country that struggled with the same stereotypes as the black community, and had family members and friends dying based on those stereotypes, they wouldnt be protesting in the streets. There are people who make the protesters out to be thugs... and some of these same people would riot if their team won the World Series.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:57:52 +0000

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