I really do try not to post too much about my running - my family - TopicsExpress


I really do try not to post too much about my running - my family and close friends get subjected to the endless chatter about fueling, blisters, and pace enough, and I see the glazed look in their eyes and try to keep quiet...ish :). But Ive posted before about the amazing group that I am privileged to run with - Moms Run This Town. My running mamas run with me at 5 AM, and at 9 PM. They are there for my miles, my victories, my failings, and my questions. They are my support system, and have become my family. They fill my life with laughter and inspiration. I am blessed enough to co-lead the Springfield chapter with my homie, Kristin. One of our members has been battling leukemia, and has been doing so with grit and grace and determination. This weekend we offered the opportunity for members within our chapter - and all chapters of this running club across Northern VA - to Run For Jennifer. To keep her in their thoughts, and dedicate their miles to her as a show of solidarity and support. Each chapter grabbed the opportunity, and women across the area have been posting pictures and signs, and offering miles in the hundreds. Within our own chapter, we hosted a run tonight where we ran by her house. While dozens and dozens of members just in our chapter posted miles for the weekend, about 35 mamas were able to actually come to the run. Women - walkers, runners, sprinters - gathered at a nearby school and headed to her house. Due to a setback she was unable to run with us, but was able to come outside and see us, literally and figuratively running for her. Both Jen - and all of us - were completely emotionally overwhelmed. This is running to me. Is it physical? Yes. I like to be fit and active and take control of my health and set out to make (and sometimes miss) tough goals. But more, its allowed me to become part of a community. That runs together, laughs together, bleeds together, and feels together. In MRTT when one of us falls, many of us will stop to rally, and pick whoever it is back up. Whether we are on the trail, or trying to make it through another day of parenting, working, and living. I am so incredibly grateful to this community, and overwhelmed with gratitude to be a part of it. I love you, ladies.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 02:51:24 +0000

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