I really feel compassion and sympathy from someone suffering from - TopicsExpress


I really feel compassion and sympathy from someone suffering from a major illness or disease but this woman is pressing it. Lets begin to question her story. She is the ex-wife of former Washtenaw County Republican party chair and now appointed by Gov Snyder to the Court of Appeals. Her commercial was produced and paid for by Americans for Prosperity - the far right wing of conservatism - and have backed Terry Land for US Senate. Even though her claims have been disproved and she will actually be saving over $1k a year for the same treatment she was receiving previously, she will not admit she is better off or at least as well off. Americans for Prosperity spokesman Levi Russell defended the claim Monday: “Before her plan was canceled by Obamacare, Julie knew what her monthly costs would be. Now those costs are unpredictable and the potential for spikes in any given month make them unaffordable ... ” Quite frankly, no one with a major illness knows what their costs will be from month to month or year to year. Things happen and our bodies let us down sometimes. I personally would rather know that once I hit a certain deductible for all my medical costs - everything else is paid for by my insurance. But admitting that would be letting down the very people who have been trotting her out and around the country like a trophy. I think she needs to realize how much she is being used as a prop in campaign and once they are done with her they will throw her to the side. They owe her an apology.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:32:32 +0000

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