I really hate tearing my Nation down, but it is high time we as - TopicsExpress


I really hate tearing my Nation down, but it is high time we as the inhabitants take responsibility for the ruination of this land: There is enough blame to go around. Everyone, and I mean everyone is on the take. My late Daddy told me way before he passed in 2009, that Greed would take this Nation down. We are about to see this come to pass. Our Nation will not stand much longer yall. I hate it, but it will not. What I thought was good honest people have turned corrupt to the core. Our neighbors are corrupt and drunken with greed, so who will do the right thing by our children? No one. You want to complain about the Food Stampers, yea they are bad, but it starts at the top and it stinks to high heaven. Farmers, Bankers, Wall Street, Union, Government employees, oh and let us not forget the politicians who lie everyday in our face. No one is without blemish here. Everyone for himself. It is sick. And you think anyone cares about frauding the government for gain? No, no shame at all for fraud, it is there way of life. I am so amazed I live in a time when people think it is ok to live off the tax payers dime and turn in fraudulent claims against their neighbors. But hey, our government trains voters to do this, so they will have no conscious about lying to government. Anyone heard of Pigford Farmers? Just a symptom. But here is another shame: Go look at the Churches in our land, the Big time Churches with the Preachers on TV. You think they are not greedy and corrupt? Judgment is coming to the House of God, and it is coming swiftly. Lord help us to have a pure heart before you and man. Search and examine our motives. Amen
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 10:50:26 +0000

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