I really hate to take this position. But unlike most people, I - TopicsExpress


I really hate to take this position. But unlike most people, I realistically put myself in this mans shoes. Its 4:30am, in a suburb that borders DETROIT, MICHIGAN. This man is living what amounts to Fort Apache. Detroit is a like the worst cities in the worst third world countries. If something bad is happening to you, you do not have the luxury of second guessing or the opportunity of a second chance. The man was scared, prepared and feared for his life. I honestly cant guarantee that I wouldnt have done the same thing. Furthermore, the family that is fighting so hard to destroy Theodore Wafers life, Renisha McBrides family where the hell were they? Why didnt they make sure she had a charged, functional cell phone? Why didnt they teach her not to get high and drive drunk? Why was she by herself? I can keep asking questions, there are plenty to ask. I tire of black people blaming the final straw in the tragedy of some family member. After a probable lifetime of doing irresponsible and most likely stupid shit, the natural consequence of her behavior finally catch her. Now they want to destroy this victim of circumstances life and put him away forever. Might this man have been a racist, maybe. Might he have only have shot her because she was black? Also maybe. Did he not call the police because he believed that he would be dead before they arrived? Maybe. There are a lot of unanswered questions that everyone seemed satisfied with filling in, Black Women Matter. My question is, why dont they matter enough to raise right, teach right or in general, prepare then for this world.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:59:46 +0000

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