I really just feel like crying now. Its like nothing in my life - TopicsExpress


I really just feel like crying now. Its like nothing in my life can ever go right. I put in all this effort to move...called in SO many favors...had all this help...and then I find out that I basically moved into a slum where the management outright LIES about basic maintenance issues...ie MOLD being very visibly present in my bathroom (and likely behind the walls) and him claiming its RUST and dirt from years of build-up (which ironically was him admitting my bathroom was not properly cleaned before I moved in)...and then offering me an out to get out of my lease without being charged a $1000 lease-break fee (because he senses I am SO unhappy here...based upon being told about a conversation with a new neighbor of mine, where I just expressed discomfort with the level of grime and bad maintenance in my bathroom...yaytimes for rumor-spreading perpetrated BY management)... ...all while (in front of Sean) categorically denying ANY mold in my bathroom because he has a strong sense of smell and could not smell mold... ...when a bleach test revealed that what is there is NOT rust (as porcelain and ceramic dont rust) and since it changes colors it is in fact LIVING material...which bleach kills... ...and my favorite part: proceeds to tell me that people like me dont do so well living here because WE (the tenants) always find something to complain about... So...basically, I am being told by management and close contacts...to move... 5 weeks after moving in. And I have no where to go, no money to move again, and there is nothing around town I can afford without having to get roommates (it took me 10 months to find THIS place)... The bottom line is management is trying to skirt fixing a BASIC maintenance issues...as basic as electrical issues or an appliance provided by the complex breaking down... Why? Because poor people dont deserve safe, clean, HABITABLE homes...and golly wiz...if one of us poor folk asks for a repair covered under Oregon State Landlord/Tenant Law...well were just makin trouble and should go away. Quickly. He did agree to get me an official inspection...but only by going to the corporate owners...so basically, telling them that I am making trouble for them...great...cause thats not going to backfire ON ME... ...and straight out told me they will pay for the inspection just so I will hear from someone else what HE already told me...there is NO mold in my bathroom... I honestly dont even know how to deal with this. The battles of epic, awful, legal proportions never end. I dont know if I have the strength to do this anymore.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:47:54 +0000

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