I really like the paranormal activities movies. Theyre very simply - TopicsExpress


I really like the paranormal activities movies. Theyre very simply shot and need very little plot and character development to remain intriguing. I recently saw the fifth of these suckers and theyve changed next to nothing and yet we eat it up. For years the world has totally covered up the fact of spiritual involvement in every day life and now weve converted its presence into entertainment. I get it, its lucrative and easy to pay attention to. I think it can be unhealthy to obsess over demonic activity but what I find much worse is our total lack of recognition of the true nature of things and life around us. The word of God says to be sober and vigilant, not entertained by, or oblivious to, negative spiritual involvement. So how do you accurately measure reality?? Do you know that what you see and feel in the earth is really only about 10% of that object? The person sitting next to you, the device youre reading this on, you yourself... Are 90% space. Your atoms are just spinning dots of matter held together by God. Ever hear that golf ball in a football stadium? Thats you. So our true essence isnt the physical but that which exists in space. The spirit. But we dont get it. In the beginning, God created light. A few days later he spoke and forth came the sun moon and stars, and a few days later he created a being in his image to whom he have sight and ideally a keen sense of the spirit. Chapter 5 of through painted deserts by Donald Miller is a beautiful exposition on the topic, and honestly I will grab most of my thoughts from him. Light was first, this substance that is and isnt. Like a particle but not. Like a wave but not. Days later he created a comprehensible source of light. As Don would say, light then is a fitting metaphor for God, something we can sense and know but not fully understand. Something without which life is complete darkness. God calls himself light in Johns Epistle. With the light of Gods presence comes the metaphorical shadow of all that is not Godly. Man originally was his own image, a mirror of sorts, not light of itself but a perfect little reflection. Sin shattered us, leaving the form but the true image, that of holiness, disconnected and empty. Christ restored us but we arent yet made new and our understanding is still so earthbound, still lost in shadows. We see evil and accept it, we feel pain and just take it and allow our reality to be based in the shadowlands of sin instead of the light of the son. Challenge your reality, seek His Spirit, not so you can better see what this messed up physical world is about but what the true reality of the believer is about.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 02:15:09 +0000

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