I really liked this. However, it IS controversial and when I do - TopicsExpress


I really liked this. However, it IS controversial and when I do dare to put something controversial up, I usually regret it for fear I have offended those I care about most. I respect we all see things differently and I love sharing differing opinions and such; I like to think and usually come away having learned a little more about a differing viewpoint, understanding a bit more. So... if you care to read, great. But.. understand this includes LDS doctrine in it, things I do hold close to my own heart. If anyone.. and I doubt anyone really looks at my posts anyway but.. should any of my non-LDS .. or even LDS... friends/family members have questions about these beliefs feel free to ask. Some of the quotes I loved from this: I love being a woman. I love what makes me inherently female. And I refuse to believe that I am the same as a man. I know we have many similarities, being of the same species and all, but men and woman have many differences; beautiful differences; equalizing differences. And I find incredible value in that. I have never in my life been so offended, in the true sense of the word, than when I had other women trying to sell me the idea that my value as a person lies in how closely I resemble a man. What the hell is that? Its other women belittling the roles that make us different from men - and even belittling our men. (I find this an interesting, and in my mind, true statement. In trying to be LIKE men, I think we both de-value what makes us women, and demeans those precious characteristics that make a man... a man.) I believe that women can and should do anything they want to in this life. But I also believe that we need to be true to ourselves, and sometimes our femininity gets a little tainted by societys driving need to make us all identical little comrades. LDS Doctrine exclusive...this deals with church leadership and Priesthood roles: The author of this blog believes that Priesthood/male leadership roles are to teach mean to have empathetic and organizational skills. I dont think I necessarily agree. But, I do agree somewhat with this: Some ladies just cant let the men have any task or position tailored to their needs. Its like a mosquito bite they just have to scratch. Yet women can have all the exclusivity they want. Uh, huh. Because thats fair. I LOVE this! : Sister Sheri Dew said that none of us came to earth to gain our worth, we brought it with us. Bingo! Blog author stated that the Priesthood is NOT a status symbol. Exactly! Everything we do in the church is to serve others. Every position and every volunteer job we do. Including the priesthood. And finally.. this. Love it. Trust in the Lord with all Thine Heart Yeah, I actually just quoted that scripture. Its cheesy enough for a pinterest poster, but do you believe it? Do you have a testimony of this promise? Ive had a few sticky moments in life when God was my only champion. I came out of those moments knowing that every time I accosted some gospel principal or teaching that made me pause, I could sort through it using both my mind and my connection with the Holy Spirit and get the assurances I needed. And I did. Every time. My role as a woman was probably the most empowering personal investigation of all. I can honestly say, that I have absolutely zero insecurities as a woman. Which is probably why I have no trouble allowing a man to take his role as a bearer of priesthood power. In fact, I insist. Go forth brethren and be exalted by your priesthood! I certainly dont think it makes you any better or higher up the spiritual food chain than me. I dont feel that Im missing anything. And I dont see that I am either. Having this responsibility makes you better men and I honor that. thestyleofbeing.blogspot/2014/06/mormonism-feminism-and-being-snarky.html?m=0
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 21:57:06 +0000

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