I really need help from my brothers and sisters regarding this - TopicsExpress


I really need help from my brothers and sisters regarding this issue. A petition started on the occupy our homes website that has approximately 6500 signatures on it is being held hostage by that organization and communities united NJ. This petition was originally started to stop jp morgan chase, wells fargo, HUD, and massmutual from evicting my mother after a 12 year fight. Back then it started because of lost payments but we eventually found out that they didnt even have the authority to foreclose on or evict because they were not in ownership of the property itself. It was owned by another entity. All of their paperwork was fraudulent. The problem occurred because of a disagreement regarding the use of white privilege that they are using to negotiate with the banks that have been causing much harm to my 80 year old mother. After, the disagreement, I severed ties with them because they started being verbally offensive and after warning them, it continued and that was the beginning of the end for my mother. After that, they began a smear campaign that labeled me as difficult and bad mouthed me to anyone they possibly could, which resulted in those that were helping with my mothers situation withdrew their support and actually disappearing completely. These were Caucasian people. What made matters worse was after the support was withdrawn, we experienced accelerated pressure from the banks and subsequently, my 80 and disabled mother was viciously evicted from her home of almost 30 years. There was even a Caucasoid that influenced some members of an organization that had taken on my mothers case as a part of their agenda, that I am also a member of and caused a huge commotion. This Caucasoid is still a member! Very few of the members of this organization attend any events for my mother at this point in time. Whats also crazy is that they are located in a cwa building on Clinton street in Newark. I was a cwa member for 21 years and an ibew member for 4 and in my final years with cwa, I was a shop steward. I dont know what the connection to cwa is but there is one of some kind. This group is the organization formerly known as ACORN and got into some trouble a few years ago and was disbanded. When they came back into existence, there were no people of color on their staff and now they have a few tokens. The executive director is a conniving manipulator and the organization is being financed by some political machine. What I am asking is for my fellow brothers and sisters to please support me and my mother with the signing of the petition to get them to stop holding her petition hostage. Whatever I try to send out gets flagged and doesnt go anywhere, therefore the signers/supporters never get to see anything that is posted. I need the hold to be released as I started the petition, I maintain the petition, and it belongs to my mother. In addition, approximately 2,000 of those signatures were gotten by me through direct actions of my own. This behavior is why white privilege is a problem and if any knows anything about it, you know that until people start rejecting the use of white privilege, RACISM will continue. My mother and I seriously need your help. Her health is declining rapidly and she is now in a wheelchair and states that she has lost everything she has known in a matter of hours. They destroyed her belongings and her vehicles including scrapping my deceeased fathers custom van that was left to my mother. What they did not destroy, they stole This is the petition to force them to release petition control! Please sign and share with your networks requesting their signatures as well. This situation is urgent as my mothers situation will be going to a jury trial soon. Please help us! In solidarity, Afua and Susie thepetitionsite/takeaction/961/942/655/
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:34:17 +0000

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