I really should save this for our new blog Sarabeth Talbot Dei - TopicsExpress


I really should save this for our new blog Sarabeth Talbot Dei LOL! but Facebook asked me what is on my mind and darn it, i am gonna tell it!! LOL! My Facebook rant for today... Tech savvy children. Parents, just because your kid can fix the Wii better than you, can navigate an iPad, iPod or any other ithing around, can find their favorite website on the web does not make them tech Savvy or a Computer Geek!! The word savvy and Geek implies some sort of intelligence about a certain subject. Pushing buttons is not intelligence. In high school computer geek was reserved for those that spent hours in their rooms taking computers apart and building them in to new computers, or robots, or something else cool. It was reserved for the people who could read all that fancy computer code and talk to the machines in ways we couldnt even begin to understand. It was for people who spent countless hours in vo-tech classrooms, or college programs learning every program known to man and designing their own!! To imply that your child, who can turn on the Wii, is any of those things is a farce. Your child is a video game monger. That is what they are. Yes, my kids can operate all of these things too. Even though we dont have any of them. Which is the funny part, because it just goes to show how much these kids can figure out with just a little exposure to these things. Technology has made kids very lazy. I have seen kids in school that can barely hold a pencil. Handwriting is atrocious, they cant use a pair of scissors, or tie their shoes, or even zipper their coats. But by golly those kids are Computer Geniuses because they can Google something. I have been watching the decline of physical abilities and critical thinking skills in children for many years. I have been very careful since the birth of my first not to allow too many shortcuts and easy way outs for my kids. And it shows. Yes, they all figured out by age 1 how to turn on and off the tv, how to turn their toys on and off and make them crazy loud. Because that is something that is just built in to kids today. It just is. They all have a working knowledge of technology. And that is great, because they are all going to need it. But my point is this, until your child can work Excel with no problem, navigate Power point and use it to present something, and to write a worthwhile research report on Word, then I dont want to hear that your kids is tech savvy. If they can open up a computer , tell me what the parts are and what they do, then they can be called a computer geek. Untill then, they have not earned that title. Until then, they are just a lazy video game monger with no real motor skills. When the video game companies came out with board games on their systems, i cringed. They should be ashamed of themselves. Manipulating those little pieces and counting the money and reading the directions are all very important things for the development of the brain. I even had a fit when they made electronic banking Monopoly!!! Unbelievable!!!!! The decline of our youth is directly related to the rise in electronics and i for one am scared of what that means. And you should be too. THINK about what your kids are spending their time on. It WILL make a difference. be a parent and stop letting your electronics babysit your kids. Thanks a have a nice day. This message has been brought to you by the Parents who care about their childs future club of America
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 12:58:43 +0000

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