I really think that the problem in Egypt is not about politic, - TopicsExpress


I really think that the problem in Egypt is not about politic, religion, power or authority. It is in fact about, the cooked brown Beans!!! Yes, don`t laugh please! hahahahah. I sympathy with my Egyptian people, they are nice people, but the Brown Beans( Fooool)has destroyed the Egyptian people`s brains, and demolished their understanding. If you need to laugh from your heart, please take your zoom camera, and go to Cairo City Centre, and photo, the Egyptian people, when they still asleep, wearing their Nighty and Pigamas, heading towards the Brown Beans) local restaurant and freelance francise suppliers in the High way, near the local shops. You will absolutely laugh to death. Because, then you will know it, that no Egyptian can really survive , unless, he or she consumes a big large dish of cooked Brown Beans, and large size onion, which makes the breath so clean and fresh in deed. So, the Brown Beans in the main problem of Egypt and its people. Anywaher you entre, you have to see the Brwon Beans( Fooooool). Brown Beans is a solid and strong food, which cannot be easily digessted in the ordinary stomach, but you have to be Egyptian!! In order to have the ability in digessting the Beans! hhahhh:) Ok, here is the main problem, when Egyptians eat Brown Beans, their brains don`t function properly, their minds into their hot cookie trousers and Bras:) So, imgine, you are a single man and sets on a fuuny broken chair in the local coffe shop, and then, you see a wonderful fat belly ladies, walking in the street, even without cleaning their faces by water, because, they were in a hurry to wake up and buy the Beans to their sleepy husbands:) It is give and take policy though, Husbands do their very best in the bedrooms, and wives wake up so early to stand in the cueue to buy the unhappy bread and cooked Brown Beans for him! Husbands and children eat the solid Brown Beans and go to work and schools, the husbands jumps on the very crowded bus and undergrounds, and because his brain, still a sleep from the Brown Beans and his stomach still solid from the Brwon Beans, he fights in the Bus and sewars the ( F) words, so , his days starts unpleasant. On the other hand, children enter schools, and are not ready to understand what the foolish teacher is saying, because, he also, has eat the Brown Beans. So, the children and their fat belly or skinny nicked teachers spending the whole day nagging each others, then the teachers get fed up and quickly lose their tempre, then , get the wooden ( Flaka) means the wooden lock and beat the stupid Children up to shut them, as the teachers are unhappy with their Beans`s earters wives:)0000 Oh, so, in the main time, the fat belly mumies after buying the Brwon Beans, they go back to bed for a while to prepare the next dangerous mean( Mahshi) means stuffing cabbage with rice. Oh man, what a wonderful life. But, hey, the problem still remain, it is the selly Brwon Beans, that destroy the brain`s cells and heart`s function and make people to live in such stupid and cowered life, so scared to say anything to the authority, or otherwise, they will ose their early morning Brwon Beans.:)))))))))))))))))))00 Hhahhhahahhahhahahahhah
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 12:48:37 +0000

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