I really try to keep my mouth shut but all the impeach our - TopicsExpress


I really try to keep my mouth shut but all the impeach our president signs and comments really got to me today. 1st and foremost as you bash our government....stop and thank our forefathers and all those thereafter who built this nation for our freedom so that you could disgrace them by honoring what you find freedom of speech with your impeachment signs and truly tacky Facebook posts. 2nd why is Obama written after Impeach? Is his name the only one you have room for on your sign? Why not every member of our disagreeing government? Do you know so little about our Government that you think he alone is the reason for this. 3rd and probably the most important...have you read about Obama care? Do you understand it? I for one am super excited that due to our poor economy which was going downhill long before President Obama (ie our two term previous president but I shall not be like others and bash the Bush man) that when our fellow citizens get laid off for whatever reason (could be due to economical cut backs, poor health related to long term illness) loose their health benefits and have to get new insurance either through a new job, a spouse, or independent insurance that they will no longer be punished for previous illnesses and will now be covered. My bad that and other things cause premiums to rise. Did Obama call the insurance providers and tell them, well so you can keep getting rich please make sure you raise the price...in turn causing businesses to fill the spike of the increase who say I cant afford these premiums for my 1000 employees and I want to keep getting rich too....so guess what thats right folks we see a rise in our premium. How is this the Presidents fault, are the insurance companies giving him a cutback? How is making insurance possible and mandatory for every citizen a bad thing? Maybe we will reduce illness among our population and people whom are sick may receive healthcare rather than suffer or worse possibly spread illness. But wait now everyone is scared about universal healthcare treatment...that goes to our health care providers now and rests in their hands...just because a few laws are changing doesnt mean to me that health care will suffer...I say let it rise to a new standard as well!!! Help others and teach them to help themselves and pray they do so. These are just a few things about the act that I like. Not to mention the great benefits our elderly population will recieve! Dont forget they cannot work anymore... they ALREADY did! And better yet... that will be us before you know it. So please read the policy and be thankful its in place for Your grandmother. But please I beg you, drop your impeachment signs and pray that our government sees that we may need to loose a little money in other departments so that others may come in and start making cuts here and there to make this work. Pray that the Democrats and the Republicans learn to get along for our economic future! I dont agree with all the policies that pass and I am certain a lot of people dont but what kind of example are they setting for our future as a country? ? If I have offended anyone then please kindly delete yourself from my page. I want my son to grow up loving his country and to fight for it one day if needed... not looking out his window seeing an ignorant sign held up.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 02:52:51 +0000

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