I really want to work on being a guest at more conventions in - TopicsExpress


I really want to work on being a guest at more conventions in 2015. I was invited to be a guest at IKKiCON, but was unfortunately unable to make it due to an error that ended up freezing my bank account for about a week. *grumble* Though, it really inspired me and honored me because they didnt invite me as a cosplay guest. They invited me to lead panels on how to get involved in charity work both in costume and out of costume. A lot of you know that Im extremely passionate about giving back, and I do as many hospital visits as I can, but I also work with a bunch of other organizations and events for veterans, victims of abuse, etc. etc. I also do motivational speaking at high schools, and I just try to jump on board with a good cause wherever I can find it. Id really love to be able to share this passion and experience with convention-goers around the country and hopefully be able to share tips on how each of them can give back in their own way so that we can all live up to the examples set by the superheroes whose suits we wear. And hey, maybe even lead some boot camp style workouts for everyone first thing in the mornings before we all go shower off and suit up! If you think that something like this would go well at a con you plan on attending, shoot them an e-mail and tell them! They can get in touch with me through this page if theyd like to book me. (And, as always, if YOU have a charity event I can help with, definitely let me know about that too!)
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 00:33:16 +0000

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