I really wish there were more organizations that worked with our - TopicsExpress


I really wish there were more organizations that worked with our veterans to get them back on their feet, especially after becoming homeless. A veteran should never have to experience such a low point in their lives. Most injuries that veterans feel cannot be seen from the outside.. people that have never served will never understand the struggles and demons that a veteran faces everyday. That homeless man that you walk by everyday, just might be a veteran... and being a modest class of people, most will never ask for help, but a hand shake or how are you, today will go a long way. It pains me to no end knowing that there are thousands of homeless veterans across the country and are treated like a lesser class of people, simply because they dont have a place to live or a fancy car to drive around in, or money in their pockets. It pains me further knowing that the average American will simply walk by this person without a second thought... This man, and many more like him, fought for our country and it doesnt matter what your opinion is about the military or its mission, what matters are the people that leave that lifestyle and return to the civilian population... this transition is difficult to say the absolute least, especially returning from a foreign country. The looks I got from some people and their hatred towards me for that very reason were almost palatable and to some degree, made me nervous about coming home... I, as well as most veterans, love our country and the people we serve to protect.. I still cry when I hear the National Anthem, because I know what it stands for.. I understand the importance behind it, more than many Americans will ever come to understand.. Extend you hand to a veteran.. nothing needs to be said.. but when you do, look us in the eye.. we will understand.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 13:37:18 +0000

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