I received a call from Dad this morning n he remined me of one of - TopicsExpress


I received a call from Dad this morning n he remined me of one of my favorite bible stories during childhood. The story of Joseph whose brother hated, negleted and betrayed him to Edgyptian foreigners. What a life had Joseph gone through. Very painful to see his very own brothers from the same father ruding him. His brothers treated him harshly but he forgive them n acceptef them whole heartedly towards himself when they were in great need. His brothers regreted n feared he might retaliate but that does not happened as Joseph embraced them with both arms wide open. That was when children of Israel initial 12 tribes started. And then dad started implying the morale to me saying "my son, you have to serve everybody in our family when they are in need. Though they do dont help pay your school fee or help you one way or the other when u r at school, just give a hand in everything. Little is much when God is in it. By doing so, you will receive more blessings from the above. You will for sure excel in your carrier because of your kind heart n generousity. You will also gain recorgnition n well appreciated in the community. Just get rid of the negatives n be positive always to prosper".....Dad try to continue bt his credit ran out as he was in the mist of coffee trees pruning...Thanks Dad for the massage,,,just wanner share this with my fb folks. cheers!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 22:53:53 +0000

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