I received a comment on my blog in response to my post yesterday. - TopicsExpress


I received a comment on my blog in response to my post yesterday. The commenter felt that the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo had deeply deliberately offended the Muslim community, likening their cartoons to spitting in someones soul and thus justice was carried out. While I understand the hurt caused when someone deeply deliberately offends you, it cannot be a justification for killing that person. I am writing my reply here as a stand alone post, as it provides a good opportunity to cover this issue we humans have with being offended. My Reply: Are you seriously justifying the murder of 12 people because someone was offended? I dont think we can speak for the entire collective of Muslim people because being offended is a very personal response not a general one. I have been spat at. I didnt go on to murder those people. I have been called a witch for what I do by members of the community in which I grew up. Of course at first I was offended, but later I learned to laugh because I KNOW who I am, I dont need to justify it to anybody. Nor do I need to murder those who do not like or understand me. Likewise, the majority of beautiful Muslims need not be offended by someones cartoons. For every belief, religion and cause there is someone saying something contrary that has potential to cause offence. Deliberately ridiculing a respected spiritual teacher is not something I would do nor perhaps would you, but jesters and comediennes have been doing this for thousands of years whether to make light of a situation or to deliberately provoke controversy. For every cartoonist ridiculing the Prophet, there is one ridiculing Jesus, the Buddha, God - are we to kill them too? You cant control what someone says to you, or does to you. You can control how you respond. Murdering someone is an impulsive act of an ego that feels threatened and invalidated. It is not a powerful act. Deeply offending someone deliberately is not a powerful act either. Yet with a pen, you get it off your chest and someone who doesnt like it can throw away or even burn that paper. As a writer, I do my best to write from my heart and wouldnt dream of deliberately offending anyone. Yet someone somewhere might be offended by something I write, and I shudder to think that some people think this is a justifiable cause for murder.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 00:06:29 +0000

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