I received a form letter from Maria Cantwell regarding my concerns - TopicsExpress


I received a form letter from Maria Cantwell regarding my concerns of Benghazi and the full disclosure of facts. Needless to say her response left me feeling, well, dejected and hopeless that she will ever yeild to the requirements of her oath of office. So, heres my response/rant: Ms. Cantwell, I received your response to my concerns regarding the Benghazi attack where Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were murdered. It seems you, along with the rest of the democrats in congress, are complicit after the fact by enabling the cover up to continue. Have you forgotten that your sole purpose in the senate is to protect and defend the constitution, and serve the people that elected you to represent them. Thus far you have failed miserably on the Benghazi issue. There have been reports from now retired high ranking officers, forced to retire by the president, that clearly contradict the false portrait you and this corrupt administration are feeding the public. General Hamm released a statement wherein he said he was immediately informed of the attack in real time and subsequently notified Leon Panneta who went to the white house to alert the president. As General Hamm was preparing a rescue/assist mission he was relieved of his command and efforts to assist those under siege in Benghazi were denied. Both Obama and Clinton have bloody hands for their concentrated effort to deny additional security and the blocking of a rescue mission that could have saved Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. In addition. the truth is slowly being made public. Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi to facilitate the movement of arms via Turkey into the hands of Syrian fighters and Al Qaeda, which was directed by the president. People are now questioning why congress has not initiated impeachment against the president and a criminal charge against Clinton. Personally, I question the motives of a congress that is out of control and refuses to uphold the constitution and bill of rights. You do remember that you took an oath to do just that. Ms. Cantwell, our country has lost it’s standing in the world under this corrupt administration, the president is acting far beyond his authority in changing laws and ignoring the constitutional power granted to the position. People that once had health care and doctors they liked have been cancelled with the replacement plans costing on average five to seven hundred dollars a month more with huge deductibles, and you think this is a good thing? Unemployment is well beyond the numbers published, there is no accountability for those that have exhausted their benefits and dropped off the rolls. Instead of sending me your standard form letter that ignores reality and is intended to placate the under informed, how about doing your job? Stand true to your oath, stop playing party line politics and step up to save our country before we are reduced to third world status, which appears to be the goal of this corrupt administration. The main stream media reports based on the direction of this administration, Fox news reports on everything and yet I find no credibility with either until I do my research and fact finding myself. Our country was founded on a very specific intent, liberty and maintaining the principles that made this country what it was before presidents and politicians found out just how lucrative it is to be in DC with all the perks and status. We enter this world with nothing and leave the same way. I would like to leave this world knowing that my love of America and all the God given blessings we have enjoyed remained in the forefront of my endeavors. Patriots signed a document knowing that their very lives were at risk and all were sentenced to death by a tyrannical monarchy. That monarchy followed up by invading our shores and fierce resistance ensued with victory and freedom the ultimate prize, as you know the colonists won. We owe it to those patriots to fight the good fight and restore our country to it’s full potential by unleashing the power of the American people to innovate, start businesses, contribute to a functional government and most importantly maintain liberty. Ms. Cantwell, the people are angry, the constant attacks on our liberty and the failure of this corrupt administration to maintain the status and power we once held. Remember, “when the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.” You need to choose, are you going to work within the oath you swore? or will you crumble to the pressure of the democrats and ignore the constitution and bill of rights? I met you in Seattle several years ago and thought you to be a fighter and genuine patriot, I no longer see that in you as demonstrated by your party line voting record. You are an intelligent woman, show we patriots that you have our interests at the top of your list. I hope you read this and not just one of your staffers and I wish you well as you realign yourself as a patriot in full support of the constitution and bill of rights. Respectfully, Daniel Simon Sent from Windows Mail
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:48:37 +0000

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