I received the following from Caroline Stevens in her Round Robin - TopicsExpress


I received the following from Caroline Stevens in her Round Robin to Ukip members. Caroline is the UKIP Parliamentary Candidate for Stroud. **Fellow Ukippers please make up your own minds about how this Prime Minister and certain MPs from the Tory and Labour behaved in such a despicable manner. ** Subject : Letter Dear Sir, At Prime Ministers Questions today David Cameron deliberately lied to both the House of Commons and the British people, a fact caught live on television. Surely this honourable man must now resign? The House of Commons own rules demand that an honourable member found knowingly misleading the House must lose his portfolio, resign or be sacked. In PMQs today UKIP MP Mark Reckless asked a perfectly reasonable question about the future of the NHS hospital in his constituency, against a background of childish booing and barracking from other MPs (the Speaker had to ask for order), which alone shows up the main parties and their lack of respect for the democratic process. Mr Cameron then replied, but could not resist a lie by adding that UKIP does not believe in the NHS and wants to break it up which is totally untrue. In fact UKIP have an excellent plan to keep the NHS as the prime health care service in the UK, improve accessibility of GPs by opening clinics in the evenings, restore free dental and eye checks amongst many other improvements, and despite claims from other political groups to keep it free at the point of use. Denis Skinner lied a few days ago when he said UKIP would send foreign medical staff home (there are no UKIP plans to repatriate anyone who is legally in the UK) and now David Cameron has done it. A few days ago, on Question Time, Labour MP Andy Burnham deliberately lied about UKIP three times in answers to the audience and even the Western Daily Press, which I accept is only the messenger, today carries a quote from Dale Vince on page 2 which is untrue when he said UKIP only have three policies, anti Europe, anti immigration and anti wind farms, only the last of which is actually close to being factual, and then only because UKIP see them as inefficient and expensive. Why does it seem that no one outside UKIP can actually say an honest word about the party, its leaders, activists and supporters? Yours faithfully, Greg Heathcliffe ------------- Reminder on UKIPs NHS Policy The National Health Service – UKIP will ensure the NHS is free at the point of delivery and time of need for all UK residents. – We will stop further use of PFI in the NHS and encourage local authorities to buy out their PFI contracts early where this is affordable. – We will ensure that GPs’ surgeries are open at least one evening per week, where there is demand for it. – UKIP opposes plans to charge patients for visiting their GP. –We will ensure that visitors to the UK, and migrants until they have paid NI for five years, have NHS-approved private health insurance as a condition of entry to the UK, saving the NHS £2bn pa. UKIP will commit to spending £200m of the £2bn saving to end hospital car parking charges in England. – We will replace Monitor and the Care Quality Commission with elected county health boards to be more responsive scrutineers of local health services. These will be able to inspect health services and take evidence from whistle-blowers. – UKIP opposes the sale of NHS data to third parties. – We will ensure foreign health service professionals coming to work in the NHS are properly qualified and can speak English to a standard acceptable to the profession. – UKIP will amend working time rules to give trainee doctors, surgeons and medics the proper environment to train and practise. – There will be a duty on all health service staff to report low standards of care.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:21:08 +0000

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