I received this copy of a letter from a friend today. I receive - TopicsExpress


I received this copy of a letter from a friend today. I receive stuff from him occasionally and we communicate on a daily basis. He has quite the story to tell. Its a long read but I think an interesting letter that he sent to his congressman. I deleted his signature to protect his identity... Veryl Heres a copy of another email I sent to my Rep Rep. Gus, It comes as no surprise to me that Lois Lerners email has disappeared. Ive had experience with the IRS in the past and can attest to how agents act toward the public. A friend of mine who owned a business, had an accountant take illegal deductions when filing my friends business taxes. The IRS discovered these improper deductions and after an audit, sent him a hefty bill which included penalties. Needless to say, his business failed because he couldnt pay the fines and continue to operate because the IRS continued to raid his bank account. One morning I was sitting in the kitchen having coffee with my friend and an IRS agent showed up at his door. They went into my friends office which was right off the kitchen 10 feet from me. I overheard the conversation between my friend and the agent and was appalled at the arrogance and the terroristic threats the agent made to my friend and his family. The agent told my friend in no uncertain terms that he was going to ruin my friends life and the lives of his friends and his family, all while conspicuously brandishing an automatic pistol on his belt. The agent bragged that he had just come from laying in wait all night at a small airfield to arrest a man hed been after for owing even less than my friend owed. At the time, my friend owed $62,000.00, which was quite a bit in the 1980s. My friend, Bill, was one of the kindest people and one of the most patriotic people Ive ever had the pleasure to know. His accountant of course, was absolved of the mistakes he made in Bills tax filings, it was all on Bills shoulders. Bill had a little two person consulting business, doing circulation consulting for magazines such as, Playboy, Better Homes and Gardens, Garlinghouse and many other well known magazines. Bill was fifth generation in the publishing business and he, and his family were well respected in the business. At the time, I was a cop and I wanted to arrest this agent up on the spot, but Bill pleaded with me not to intervene. He took the IRS threats very seriously and was frightened for his family. After all, everyone knows the ruthless reputation of the IRS and Bill had no reason to doubt the agents threats. Bill never, ever denied his debt to the IRS and was willing to co operated with them to resolve his obligation. But nothing was good enough for the IRS. Every time Bill received money that was owed to him by clients, the IRS raided his bank account and stole the money- not a portion of it, but everything! At this point, I had enough of watching my best friend have to borrow money for food and to pay his personal bills just to exist. At this time two of his five children lived with him. His oldest son helped all he could but his 16 year old son was still in high school and needed things like cloths etc. I watched as Bills health began to decline. He developed myesthenia gravis. You may know that this disease is fatal most of the time but though prayers from many people, he went into remission, though it reoccurred throughout his life several times. I took matters into my own hands and wrote about Bills circumstances to my good fiend Rep. James Saxon, R NJ. I never received and answer from Jim, but some months later the IRS became suddenly cooperative and worked out payments for Bill that he could handle. During this time, the Lord worked in some of his mysterious ways. Bill got together with a divorced lady who lived across the street from Bill. She opened her home to Bill and his one of his children, she had six of her own, not all at home, but she took care of Bill and his son until he was out of school and went out on his own. When Bills health took a turn for the worse from diabetes, shingles and a bad back, it sidelined him at retirement age. Though he didnt really want to retire, he was forced to. It was at this time Bill received a letter from the IRS that his debt was forgiven by the IRS. Now Im not saying Jim Saxon or I had anything to do with it, but it was over. I believe that Bills declining health was a direct result of the continued harassment by the IRS. Bill didnt sleep, he didnt eat, he wasnt the same person he was before the IRS released its wrath on him! Bills accountant, who took the deductions walked away with impunity because accountants have a good lobby in Washington. His accountant refused to go to the audit with Bill and had no obligation to do so! Bill passed away this past February, and I miss him every day. But Bill was so ill that it was a blessing that the Lord took him and I believe that without the IRS harassment, Bill might still be with us today. Some years later, after I left police work, I worked for a company similar to a Home Depot type business in the building industry. We employed many part time employees and one of the part timers was a full time IRS employee who worked in IRS collections. The stories he told and bragged about were within keeping with the actions of the agent that harassed my friend Bill. This man was a pig! He told of selling debtors belongings and throwing families from their homes with great delight, pride and bellicose that no one messes with the IRS. Everyone was guilty of fraud was his attitude. No one was just caught up in unfortunate circumstances like my pal Bill. They were all criminals according to IRS policy! I accused him of being Americas secret police and he was quite proud of that distinction. I dont believe that America has a need for an agency like the IRS, or that they need people like this working for the US government. This man was the rule and not the exception. I know this because over the years Ive either met or have been in the company of other IRS employees who were proud of the fact that the IRS had this kind of power and would wield it upon citizens, guilty of fraud or not! Today, we see this kind of Gestapo tactics being exhibited by the likes of Lois Lerner and others, including the Director of the IRS who is busy lying to congress as Im writing this email. Lois Lerners emails were destroyed intentionally. The IRS director expects congress and the public to believe this, yet if you or I told the IRS that the god ate our files or that our hardrive crashed and we couldnt produce them, wed be guilty of fraud automatically! Remember, were all guilty of fraud according to the man I knew that worked there. This agency, the IRS, has had free rein of this vicious power for too long. Its time to re-think the way we conduct the tax collecting business of the country and how the agencies conduct themselves. We find that agencies such as the Dept of Energy, the EPA and the Dept of Education, are carrying guns! This is not only disturbing but at a time when the Obama Administration is trying to relieve its citizens of their guns, these agencies are being armed and in lieu of the criminal conduct of the IRS, we can only expect more of the same from these other agencies as well-especially since the Obama Administration is nothing more than a collection of thugs and traitors. All of the government agency scandals are the result of a government wide belligerence that we are paying for. This is not acceptable! These agencies must be brought under control or even eliminated. They are far too large and have absolutely too much power for our own good! Please reply with your thoughts about this. I remain, The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. -- Thomas Jefferson If stupidity got us into this mess, how come it cant get us out. -Will Rogers
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 00:32:57 +0000

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