I received this from one of my dearest friends today and thought - TopicsExpress


I received this from one of my dearest friends today and thought what a great idea to share it. I could add a few friends here including myself at times. A person met the Dalai Lama and asked him what he thought the key to happiness was. He simply said Empty your bowl of yesterdays rice. What is yesterdays rice? It is your past. In particular, it is all your old disappointments, grievances, and wounds. Every day at work I counsel people who are haunted by the ghosts of the past. Their minds are full of sticky rice. They hold their past against themselves, cruelly replaying mistakes, failures, heartbreaks, errors, and moments of weakness, There is an old saying , all pain is old pain; all fear is old fear. Whenever you are unhappy, you are probably replaying old movies in your mind. If, when you are in fear or pain, you can have the presence to say, This is about the past, you immediately create an opening in your mind for happiness, forgiveness, healing, inspiration and something new. Healing is a release from fear. It is also a release from the past. In truth, the past is over. It is true to say, all in the mind. Unless the past is over in your mind, however, you will be stuck on reruns, and you will miss new possibilities, new gifts, and new adventures. NOW is always a good time to forgive, to let go and say YES to life again. Every time you let go of the past, you step into greater freedom and greater creativity. You enjoy more energy. You feel more alive. You reconnect to the UNCONDITIONED you. You are available now for new gifts. You attract new opportunities. And you are ready to experience a future unlike your past. Shift happens- when you LET GO. Forgiveness releases you from the past. When you think or meditate on forgiveness you learn that there is NO PAST . Ultimately, your past is NEVER held against you unless you make it so. Guilt is a choice and so is forgiveness. When you choose guilt, you bury your gifts, live in fear, and every one misses what you truly have to offer. When you choose forgiveness, everyone can win. Unless you let go of your past your life there will be no mystery about your future. Your life will be like the movie Groundhog Day where every day is just like the one before. The members of your cast may change from before. But your same story will essentially stay the same. Shift happens when you affirm The past is over! and Now is new! To let go of your past do two things: 1.Be willing to forgive yourself for EVERY mistake you think you have EVER made. 2.Affirm the past is over. Now let yourself be free again, innocent again, and ready to say YES to new beginnings, healing, happiness, and a new future.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 06:15:35 +0000

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