I recently filed a religious exemption to opt out of receiving the - TopicsExpress


I recently filed a religious exemption to opt out of receiving the flu vaccine. I stated that I believe God made me perfect, and the flu vaccine interferes with my God given health. I received a denial letter today. The denial said, while we appreciate your concerns, vaccines have been scientifically shown to decrease disease and death. We reviewed current religious and scientific information on the risk and benefits of influenza vaccinations. Based on our research, we find no religious reason why you cannot receive an influenza vaccination and we are denying your exemption. It went on to say, not surprisingly one study of vaccine preventable disease outbreaks among religious groups found that while the church was the common link among cases, there was no formal advice regarding vaccinations from the church before the outbreak. Instead, vaccine refusal was attributed to a combination of personal religious beliefs and safety concerns among a subgroup of church members. Most religions have no formal advice regarding vaccinations from the church against vaccines. Rather many religions have clear positions in support of vaccinations including: They went in to list catholic beliefs, Jews beliefs etc. Can I get feedback from members about this denial? I feel like they are questioning my religious beliefs. My religious beliefs are my personal religious beliefs. Thanks for your help!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:46:27 +0000

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