I recently heard someone use the term, Zionist murderers, and at - TopicsExpress


I recently heard someone use the term, Zionist murderers, and at the time, I thought it was grossly unfair and exaggerated... ... but then I took time to learn the history of Palestine and about the invasion and occupation of Palestine by Zionists, in the first part of the 20th century. The Zionists were supported by Great Britain as a favor to Baron Rothschild, of the Rothschild international banking family. The Rothschild family has been involved in the establishment and construction of Israel from the very beginning. I have since come to believe that we dont know the half of Zionist brutality and extremism. What we DO know is that Zionists maintain CAREFULLY CRAFTED PR campaigns, just as the Nazis did. How different are Zionists from the Nazis? This is a SERIOUS QUESTION THAT NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT. Its time to catch up on history to address the present with proper perspective. Most Jewish people came to America just to become peaceful, hard-working citizens. None of them came and bulldozed houses, killed or drove people from their cities. The Christian pilgrims had already taken care of that, but I digress.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 05:15:05 +0000

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