I reflect back on this date 13 years ago of July 24, 2001 which - TopicsExpress


I reflect back on this date 13 years ago of July 24, 2001 which would pretty much be like any other day except for Uncle Bucks Birthday and also the day of his kidney transplant. I remember seeing him come to work almost a year earlier with a pager on his belt (he didnt even carry a cell phone then) and I had to inquire why? I knew he was having some kidney problems but was almost floored when he told be it was for notification of a possible deceased kidney donor for he was on the list. I inquired further and after our brief conversation, decided to get tested for a possible match. He was against it and couldnt ask me to do that. I reminded him that he didnt ask. On my break, I called and started getting things set up. After months of testing, it was deemed that we were a possible match. As time drew closer to the original surgery date for April of 2001, more testing was performed and updates on health (I was given a mental evaluation-IMAGINE THAT!) The psychologist asked if I truly wanted to donate and so forth. He even gave me his card and told me that in case I changed my mind, I could call and they would just notify the recipient that there was evidence that we may not be a suitable match. I told the psychologist to keep his card and give it to someone who needed it. The surgery didnt take place as originally scheduled as Uncle Buck had a medical issue so it had to be delayed. We all geared up for the next possible date which happened to be on his birthday. Our families got together and drove to Johns Hopkins Medical Center for the big day. We got checked in and began the process. As we waited in the holding area for our surgeries (mine was 45 minutes prior to his), there were thoughts, conversations, and tears from our families. When my time arrived, I said I dont know what anyone else is getting you for your birthday this year but this is the best I can do. We laughed and I was taken to surgery. Right before entering the double doors, I told the attendants to stop. They did with a concerned look on their faces. I told them that I was walking into surgery since walking out afterwards probably wouldnt be physically possible. They finally agreed and I drug my IV stand with me. After surgery, I remember briefly waking up in recovery. I remember trying to turn and saying Ouch, that hurt. Carla was there and I saw her smile and reach to help me. When I got to my hospital room, my family was there. They were real troopers through all of this. I came home several days later after an interesting stay. I couldnt eat solid food for several days. Only ice chips while Uncle Buck had great meals. The doctors said that they made a healthy person ill and an ill person healthy so this is why the diet requirement. I went home after a few days as Carla drove me home to our family that was waiting impatiently. Our children hugged and kissed me upon our arrival. Uncle Buck got home a couple days later and visited me first as I still wasnt in a condition to be mobile yet. I was amazed to say the least but hes as tough as railroad spikes. We hugged and cried. My Dad told me that Of all of your accomplishments (I had a few), I am more proud of you for this than anything else. Ill never forget that because Dad didnt hand out compliments very often. When I returned to work in Sept., I remember being asked by a member of upper management if I felt different with just one kidney. I said Yeah, it only takes half as much to piss me off twice as much. We were in Labor Negotiations then. People told me that it was a brave thing to do for someone else but I dont see it that way. You see, my parents adopted me at birth. Uncle Buck and my Mom are brother and sister. Dad and Uncle Buck were best of friends. This entire family gave me a life that I never could have been blessed with. It was my way through God to repay them a little for what they mean to me. I was blessed with good health and cared for by the entire Hopkins/Sibole family throughout my life. Uncle Buck and Aunt Ruby included me in everything as did everyone else. We lived right next door to them for many years. Uncle Buck is my Best Friend (served as Best Man at mine and Carlas wedding), like Big Brother to me, of course hes my Uncle, and always been like a Dad to me. I couldnt have lived with myself knowing that I could have done something and didnt do it to help. Uncle Buck, Happy Birthday! I love you!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 11:24:36 +0000

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