I refuse to accept ordinary thinking and people who keep - TopicsExpress


I refuse to accept ordinary thinking and people who keep complaining about how things are in South Africa and yet they continue to do nothing. The words we chose establish our life experience. We can complain all we want about corruption and particularly the seeming aloofness of President Shower Man Zuma,Pool Man, Spaza Man, Kraal Man Zuma to how social conditions are fast deteriorating, or we can be part of the solution and start to think the extraordinary and act outside our imaginary limits. Things cannot continue on the current path, this must be evident to all. This, of course, includes even those in ANC(Affliates of National Capitalists) who must continue to pretend that they are in control and have a plan; dont be fooled; they think exactly like everyone else and must put up pretences or they will be branded as sell outs. I actually feel sorry for some of these people who are, like flies, caught in a spiders web of greed and fear. It must be a terrible thing to know that your boss is wrong and no, because he feeds you, you must keep quiet. So to my my fellow South Africans the bona fide Azanians,Let Us Vote the Real Change EFF, is the real produtive and vividly movement that can rescure the people of AFRICA.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 04:01:15 +0000

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