I refuse to deck the halls with boughs of folly We have entered - TopicsExpress


I refuse to deck the halls with boughs of folly We have entered the holiday season. The confusion with holidays is not just because of our national diversity. As our nation escapes the gravitational pull of the faith once delivered to the saints and as we embrace paganism, we become exposed to many traditions of men. Some of them have their origins in that faith, but all of them have been corrupted by man. Merriam-webster dictionary defines holiday as a day on which one is exempt from work; specifically : a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event. The problem with this is that there are some holidays that are for everyone and then some that are for minorities only. For those minorities, they get special privileges. They get to honor all of the holidays. My wife used to work at a place where the workers got Christmas day off. She had Jewish co-workers. They got Christmas day and Hanukkah off. We are not far from people having holidays because of the color of their skin. What we are doing is developing a lazy society. The word has its origin in Holy Day. The original Holy Day was the Sabbath. While God rested from His labors, physically, He continued to work spiritually. When man rests from his physical labor he also rests spiritually. This is the main reason that he is so ignorant of God. He has his mind dedicated to physical labor until a holiday is pronounced and then he uses it for pleasure. Paul was teaching the Corinthians about this and reminded them of Israel: Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.1 Corinthians 10:7 People with Christians roots have made many days holidays and have themselves redefined what it means to be holy. Tolkien wrote, in the Lord of the Rings, And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. Our understanding of every aspect of the holy days of our nation can be stated with one word. Forgotten. The things that should have been remembered have been forgotten. (Purposely) Romans 1:16 ff. We are currently beginning to pay the price for our laziness. No person is exempt. Even if you personally have not participated in this branch of the apostasy, you live in the land where your neighbor has participated. When God judged the cities of the plain, He judged them all and all who were in them. Lot was told to leave. He was vexed in his righteous soul! ARE YOU? If He had stayed, God would not have given him a titanium umbrella and a gas ask. People in this country are hoping that God will judge certain people and keep the from harm. There are even some who think, for some non-biblical reason that God will beam them out before he lets loose His final act of wrath. Most if not all of mans holidays have been given over to idolatry. Does this mean that I am against all of them? NO! What it means is that I have no desire to be caught up in the idolatry that has infested them. If I give myself over to the evolved traditions, I will discover that I am actually following the dead works of dead men. Yes, I will give thanks, remember the Lord Jesus. I will even eat Turkey, look at pictures of pilgrims, sing a few Christmas carols and even exchange gifts. But, I will not worship the dead! I will not! I will remember the one who died for me. I will celebrate His rising from the dead and I will wait longingly for His appearing who will scatter this present darkness leaving not even a remnant of that which man called holy to be remembered EVER AGAIN! But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. Matthew 8:22
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 13:55:15 +0000

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