I refuse to hold my tongue any longer. My news feed is getting - TopicsExpress


I refuse to hold my tongue any longer. My news feed is getting ridiculous. Most of these posts and memes are soo Hypocritical. First off, Not all cops are bad, not all white people are racist and vice versa, I cannot express this in any way how pissed this makes me. First off, As a black female I just want to out that if you do not want to be stereotyped by anothers actions then we cannot, I REPEAT, we cannot stereotype all police due to an incident or police brutality. Its a shame that some are ok being hypocritical about this situation, but not ok when others do it.. Many have lost their lives, some due to their own negligence and some, because they had a hot head for a cop. Overall I am done with seeing this craziness. The race card is a crutch in my OPINION (NOT FACT) but opinion. I was raised to see the whole picture and be open minded. I refuse to have someone lead or tell me what I should do. I refuse to use the race card (this goes to any race) as a crutch. Thats what it is a crutch. These murders and deaths all human beings. I refuse to teach my kids that when they make a mistake to use race to get out of it. This issue of race is getting out of hand. Narrow minded thinking is the reason we are all in this mess. Eric Garner innocent man taken away for doing is right as a civilian, the video does not show cigs being sold or etc, Mike Brown robbed a store he put himself in that situation, unfortunately he lost his life in the process of his actions, etc I do not condone their deaths, but at the same time some of these could have been avoided and some not soo much. I see this too, and its sad and it makes me upset, but I wont allow this to poison my view on all law enforcement. Only ones that I know for the facts presented that are shown to be in the wrong. PLEASE dont get offended by my OPINION, because thats exactly what it is.. an Opinion. I was raised to be respectful to all races unless Im shown otherwise, in that situation I walk away. I am thankful to have the parents I did, they taught me to be tolerant. Ignorance loves company and is blindly followed by the masses. I am my own person and I follow no one. I know my history, so dont retort with that BS.. I refuse to be persuade otherwise without facts, and I also know that every story has two sides. End of Rant
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:12:26 +0000

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