I remember Exactly what that feels like. Ive been there and I know - TopicsExpress


I remember Exactly what that feels like. Ive been there and I know that you probably have too! I remember what it feels like to get rejected because of my business. I remember what it feels like to have that internal conversation in my head, I can just talk to the next Person I meet, not realizing that it was just an Excuse because I feared Rejection. I remember what it feels like not to post a video I made or a status on my Facebook wall because I didnt want friends and family to think I was a fool. And Finally I remember worrying about how I would answer objections from people and just crossing my fingers that they wouldnt come back with that dreaded line, Sounds like a Pyramid Scheme. I am here to tell you that these Fears are normal and that we all have them at one point or another. But You have to understand that this Fear of criticism is one of the most destructive forces in all of human tendencies. See This fear can literally paralyze you and keep you from achieving any worthwhile results in network marketing. Thats why those Income Disclosure statements look so terrible because most people give into this fear instead of facing it. So I challenge you to interrupt this destructive pattern and associate the fear of criticism with physical pain and this is how; I want you to wear a rubber-band around your wrist, (preferably Thick) and every time you talk yourself out of making a post, sharing your opportunity, or performing a high-value business building activity and youre aware of it, snap that rubber-band against your wrist. And this is why, It interrupts that old pattern in your subconscious mind and associates that old pattern that led to an excuse with physical pain. After at least 5 times of doing this youll begin to realize that it gets a lot easier to approach new people, and get to work on building your business! So I hope you got plenty of value from this message but more importantly I hope that you begin to apply this technique. I want to know how its worked for you, so If it worked well let me know by posting a comment or leaving a like. Also Share this with your team if they are having the same trouble that you had. Economyfoolproof https://youtube/watch?v=bTkW_KSNrhY
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 07:27:26 +0000

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