I remember. I was driving to work, a job I had for a little more - TopicsExpress


I remember. I was driving to work, a job I had for a little more than a month, listening to Howard Stern on the radio on 1-hour tape-delay, when all of a sudden, in the middle of a segment, the show went live without warning. Howard and the gang were talking about the first plane hitting the tower, speculating on what happened, people frequently running in with new information. I was riveted. Then a report came in that a plane hit the second tower. Now it was clear. We were attacked by terrorists. After sitting in my car and listening for some time, I finally left my car to go inside. There was a small color tv with rabbit ears on the table in the lobby with news coverage on. I stood there and finally saw the horror of the attacks. I felt fear for the safety of my family. I felt anger at the bastards who did it. Then the Pentagon was hit...reports of additional hijackings, scrambled jets...fears of more attacks as the morning dawned across the country. Planes grounded...people trapped and jumping...first responders desperately trying to evacuate and rescue...reports of a hijacked plane down in Western PA. Then the unthinkable. The first tower collapsed. I remember the hair standing up on the back of my neck with the sudden realization that thousands of innocent lives had been lost, in an instant. I remember thinking, "Aw, Jesus, I hope they get everybody out of the other one in time." And then the second tower imploded. I remember moments of stunned silent shock just trying to process what was happening. I remember talking to my wife on the phone at some point. She wanted to go get Sarah from school. I wanted to leave work to be there with them both. But we all attempted to move on with our daily routines, but with little success. I arrived home, and gave my wife and daughter the biggest hug I could muster. We watched the coverage all evening. Going outside was eerie, so quiet, none of the familiar sounds of aircraft flying over our home. That was a stark reminder of what had just happened for days. I remember. I will NEVER FORGET.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:51:43 +0000

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